Chapter 5

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(Max's POV)

God damn. Here we go again. I need Alex's help. I flash into her room and asked for advice.

"What? No, I'm not helping you on this one! You're on your own." Alex snapped. It was worth a try.

Great. Now I don't have anyone to help me out here. That drive in movie was supposed to be my chance and I blew it all. I'm so fucking stupid. I sat in the lair for an hour until I came up with something. I'll just secretly follow Y/N around with the identity glasses until she realizes how empty her life feels without me. It's all perfectly planned. I sneak the glasses into my pocket and test them out in my room.

"Wow, I look like a whole different person." I'm astonished.

So that's what I did for the next week. Following Y/N in plain sight. It was going great until day 8, a rainy day. She walked up to me as I was on the bench reading a comic book.

"Hey, I've been seeing you here frequently for the past week. What's you name?" She asked while we were both under the rain.

"Um, uh... Jesse Hart." I stutter.

"Well it's very nice to meet you, Jesse. Would you like to be friends?" Y/N inquired.

"Maybe I'll consider it?" I awkwardly chuckled. "This is my 10th day here so I'm still trying to get used to the place."

"How's it your 10th day here? I only noticed you on Wednesday last week and today's Thursday." She got suspicious but I don't think she thought much of it.

"We... spent 2 days unpacking?" I explained. God this is stupid.

"Oh really?" Y/N said. "Well, what if you met the Russo's at their family sub shop tomorrow? You can meet my childhood friend, Max."

"Max seems like a nice guy. He deserves to have you as a friend. I personally think you over reacted at the drive in movie." I compliment myself. It feels weird controlling 2 separate lives. (Hannah Montana reference :-) )

"How do you know what happened at the drive in movie?" Y/N raised her eyebrows.

"Family... members told me what they witnessed?" I worried.

"Oh, alright. Just meet me at the sub shop tomorrow so I can introduce myself & the Russo's." She requests.

"Sounds great!" I took off my glasses to wipe it down after rain drops fell on it. Wait. Oh shit.

"Max?" She was shocked.

"OK look I can explain. You see, there was that part of the day that I felt lonely without you so I didn't want to deal with that. My plan was to follow you around in plain sight so I could see that you would miss me walking beside you to the sub shop and-" I was stopped.

Y/N hugged me around the neck. "When is the babbling gonna end?"

I stood still for a few second until i hugged her back around the waist. Then Harper, Alex, and Justin opened the window and turned on romantic music to tease me. I gave them a death stare before they all ran upstairs. Sooner or later we started to slow dance in the rain to the music.

"Hey, I'm sorry I forced your crush to get into my plan. The truth was that Justin agreed on it but never went with it. And I paid Delmar $10 to play along with it. He's just some kid I found in my class." I apologized.

"I'm sorry too. I was just really mad when you got Justin and Delmar included with that. You got them to play with my feelings and it hurt. I guess I did over react at the movie." Y/N rests her head on my chest.

We started to slow dance for the next 5 minutes. I tried to talk so I could fill in the silence.

"Hey Y/N. Totally random question, but is your family gonna join us for Christmas this year?" I asked.

"It's not guaranteed, but we're most likely to." She replied.

"What would you wear if you went to our place for Christmas? We were gonna have a pajama theme this year." I really hope it's nothing too expensive because I plan on matching with her.

"I was planning to get an Angel onesie. The cute little pink creature in Lilo & Stitch." She said.

"Oh that's great." I spoke. "Would it  mind if I were to match with you?"

"No, it's fine. I don't mind at all. In fact, here's 30 dollars. That's how much the Stitch onesie costs." She offered. "Anyways, I gotta go now. My parents don't like it when I get home soaked."

"Uh, ok bye!" I waved as she dashed for the door to her apartment.

I changed my clothes after I got back home and ordered the onesie. The package was gonna come later today so I asked Dad a favor.

"Dad can we go to Target and buy snacks?"

*Time skip to Christmas morning

Justin woke everyone up from their beauty rest at 8 in the morning. I got out of bed and dressed up into my Stitch onesie. He was extremely excited to give a 30 minute speech before we even got to eat breakfast.

"Hello family, today we have all gathered here to celebrate the wonder holiday of Christmas. This holiday is not only free presents, but to enjoy hanging out as a family." Justin lectured. "I personally-"

"Shut up bro. We heard this at Thanksgiving, Halloween, your graduation, even at grandma's house." I groan. "Anyways can I invite Y/N and her family over?"

"Um, sure bud. They can be over by 10 am, right Theresa?" Dad stated.

"Oh yes I'd love them to. Unlike this family, they have discipline." Mom complained. "Not you, Justin."

He made faces at us. What a bitch. Anyways they came by at around 10:30, and of course Y/N wore what she promised.

We had an early lunch, then it was time for the present openings. Like every Christmas, Justin hands out the gifts like a TV game show with the mic  and everything, and then open it to the people around them. It felt boring for the first half of it because the adults got kitchen utensils and other shit like that but then Justin got to my gift.

"Next up, we got a present for the wonderful guest today; Y/N! By... an anonymous?" Justin questioned. Everyone gasped.

"Whoever it is doesn't want to be embarrassed with it." Dad spoke. Mom stomps his foot right after.

She unraveled the wrapping paper and opened the box. It was all filled with Y/N's favorite sweets and chips.

"Bet all of you $10 that came from Max." Alex giggled. I elbowed her.

After all the presents were opened, the parents were talking about stuff on the couch while me & Y/N were in my room. Glued to our phones until 4 pm. Everyone agreed that Y/N could stay overnight so she decided to sleep in my room.

I fell asleep during the day and so did Y/N. It was nothing much, we just slept on opposite sides of the bed. That was until I started hogging all her space.

"Alright that's it, I'm getting a snack from downstairs. You move too much." She complained then got up.

"Noooo, don't go." I whined as I tugged on her sleeve. "The snacks I got you are on the nightstand. Don't leave me please..."

"...I? You were that person?"

Oh shit.


A/N: the gift doesn't specifically have to be snacks, it can be anything you want

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