(Im not good at naming chapters)

175 7 1

"What do you mean by my creator?"

"Well, when you had your seeming demise, I had to rebirth you as you are now. Giving you a spark and such."

"... so your... Primus?..."

"Yes, I'm glad someone knows what I look like besides a massive world spark."

"I uh... have studied Cybertronian history, with some facts, I was able to find out your cyber form...?"

"... that's somewhat believable, but anyway I need you to get the Allspark back to restore me, Yada Yada Yada you'll be a hero and so on."

"Straight forward that's new... but uh... one problem."

Primus turned to you in a confused look

"Where do I find it?"

"You can find it somewhere, where no one would even look. And with many obstacles would be dangerous."

Those were Primus's last words before disappearing. That wasn't very helpful.

You were now holding C/N while the Predacons got to venture out on Cybertron to see the home of their ancestors. Although C/N isn't your child, you didn't want her to grow up without proper fatherly love or to be used as a means of winning a bad war.

You also had to look through the entire outer space surrounding Primus aka Cybertron.

"Many obstacles... how am I going to find somewhere in outer space with obstacles..."

C/N threw her toy at the keyboard causing the sensitive keys to move the coordinates in many directions... causing you to sigh and reach for the toy and gave it back to C/N. You looked to see her pointing at the computer and the coordinates showed a massive amount of meteors.

"...you have your mother's smarts in strange ways..."

Before putting C/N in her crib, some of the Predacons came back tired from their adventures. You gave them some Energon gave them some pats and they fell asleep around C/Ns crib, and so did C/N. The following Predacons came back as well. You needed to check on Driller before you left.

You turned on your lights trading quietly into the mine. This is where you last saw Driller come in. The deep dark mine was abandoned a little after the war began. Looking around you saw Driller with another... Driller? And... EGGS?!

But the one with... Driller is bigger... is... your Driller Driller a... female???

You had seen enough.

You flew out where the coordinates had been set. And you saw a weird-looking capsule in the distance. You gain some speed while swerving around the asteroids. You had transformers into your bi-petal mode to get a closer look at the capsule.

The Allspark? With a closer look, you knew it was the Allspark just by the color. The capsule looked like a jar, the primes had some weird innovations...

you got back which took about an hour at most.

No predacons, to say the least you where hoping you could get some quiet rest with C/N, so you subconsciously reached into their crib and felt nothing. Feeling your Optics widen in fear.

They aren't here...

You hastily rushed to the main computer and push a small purple button. The map dragged itself to the location, you see, you had been smart enough to put a tracker in C/Ns favorite pasafier, so it was a easy mission. Right? A patently C/N was in the middle of the air. You rushed outside to spot you have been dreading to see.

The nemisis.

You where praying that Megatron didn't just steal you kid. So time to do the fatherly thing we all know. Steal the baby back. Getting aboard wouldn't be easy.

You made your way effortlessly thought the halls of the place you once called home, hiding in the shadows if you heard foot steps. You couldn't see them because you had to offline your Optics so they couldn't see you at all.

What seemed like an eternity you finally got to the room where C/N was supposed to be. The main control room.

Being hit with wails of crying from the small thing. You quickly and quietly swooped the tiny one into your arms causing them to giggle and stop crying.

"See its ok C/N... Papa's here..."


Mentally cursing to yourself, you slowly turned around, knowing the voice.

"Rachet? What are you doing here?!"

"By Primus, I was going to ask the same thing! How are you still, ya know... Online?! We saw you dead!"

C/N started to cry again due to the yelling. Calming them down by rocking them helped a bit.

"Well I'm just surprised as you are... belive me..."

"... glad to see you back"

Silence fell between the both of you

"Doctor, wha-"

You where both too far away, and your vision was slightly poor in the light squinting your optics

"Optimus? Is that you? You look... thinner..."

"Doctor, you know the bot?"

"Yes Ultra Magnus, this is (Y/N) a old friend of the Autobots"

"Oh, I see."

Silence feel once more.

"Are the others on board?" You perked.

"Yes actually, follow us."

"As much as I would love to share the details of everyone talking and such, I'm too lazy to talk about that part. So I gave Arcee Airachnids spark, got to meet Smokescreen and Ultra Magnus, being scolded because 'murder is bad' I'm pretty sure everyone in the room had offlined someone at some point."

"Also found out that Megatron was skewered by Bumblebee who now has his voice back, Predaking has a bi pedal mode and ditched the Deceptions, he also thought that the other Predacons where destroyed on earth."

"And apparently, Unicron had reanimated Megatron and had attack Bulkhead, Bumblebee, Smokescreen, and Arcee. I had explained how they could NOT under any circumstances to harm Shockwave because he is my lover and such, turns out he had a cracked optic when they last saw him."

"They had found out about the ten predacons, and two that where unknown at the time who attacked Ultra Magnus and Smokescreen. And that Starscream was currently with Shockwave at the time. The Omega Lock had restored the planet we stand on"

"And the so call Galvatron, is planing to destroy Primus after he was revamped."

"We did not let that happen"


1049 words

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