-epic title name-

421 19 5

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Your Optics shot open, your vision was blurry. A figure was standing next to you, but not looking at you. Make sure you didn't flatline, notice you woke up everything sounded like you were underwater.

You looked around ignoring everything. You looked at the restraints you had and flashes of what M.E.C.H. did to you and it comes in for a replay.

Out of fear you started to yell and lash around in the restraints hoping to get out... it only caused more pain. A large figure walked over to you and places its head in your 'hand' for your comfort and you slowly stopped knowing who that was...



"whatever M.E.C.H. did to you, they missed so many parts we had to do surgery on your 'new' body could work properly all thanks to moi and Shockwave,"  said Knockout your vision clearing up and looking around. All you could mouth was 'oh'

"Where are the others?"

"Either working at their stations, getting Energon, or just on patrol... Anyways you're awake now we might as well get some paint on you. Say... (F/C)? (Favorite colour)"

"You know me too well," you said with a chuckle.

"That's what friends are for~" with a hint of sass

You got a height scale and you were shy of 29 feet tall a very tall boy indeed Megatron is 34'5" feet tall so you were close enough. The last bit though... was... difficult... needles. You never needed to take needles for your hormonal stuff so you used pills you you also have a higher phobia of them after what M.E.C.H. Did so, deathly afraid. So the wild goose chase. You started running and hiding on the ship away from Knockout.

*huff huff huff* "I think I lost him" trying to catch your breath you were surprisingly fast and light on your feet. So you started to walk to the control room or the main room as you like to call it hoping to find Megatron or as the insecacons call "him our I and only master" you shivered at the thought of them all of them remind you of giant June bugs ew.

On your way to the main room, a wild Dreadwing appears (yes this is a Pokémon reference) in front of you, blocking the way.

"Listen, Dreadwing, I love you as a brother but you need to move-"

"Y/N~ were are you? There you are!" Knockout was at the end of the hallway your back on Dreadwing turning back around to face him.

"You need to move this is a life or death situation I'm in!"

"I'm not moving until you get that needle, we both know that. you need it" he wasn't going to move.

"I- Oh primus please forgive me"

"Wait what?-"

Dreadwing made an 'oof' sound when you punched him in the lower stomach. Human biology paid off. And so you ran and turned a hallway and dove headfirst into an open room for safety. That was the lab. The science lab.

"Oh sweet room of science protect me"

"Y/N? That was highly illogical for you to disturb me"

"Huh? Oh, my apologies. I was running away from Knockout and this was the room to save me from my curtain death"

"While you are still here, it would be logical to aid me, perhaps your mishaps will be forgiven"

"Ok, ok, so what are we- uh-"

"Driller had been showing signs of deafness, I'm still trying to figure out what is wrong"

Driller was on an operation table with his head open but it was like opening up a power box with a bunch of wires and buttons

"I'll see what I can do"

You walk up to Driller and a bunch of words and instructions popped up one by one telling you what was wrong and you got to work. It was pretty easy. "Drill just has a piece of glass stuck in his audio repeater. Easy removal, easy process"

"Oh... your assistance is much appreciated."



. . .

"I hate you SO much-"

"I'm sorry ok?" Knockout repeated for the seventy-fifth time in a row as you ate your semi-sweet Energon.

"also one of the main reasons I was trying to get to you is that once you could get up on your own and not fall, Big M needed you to be sent on a patrol mission into the caves. You already have an alt mode so you're good to go"

"makes sense, thank you two. And before I leave what is my Alt mode?"

"You have two, which was logically suggested by Lord Megatron. Both being a flight mode and automobile."

"ok, I'll get going now"

"May I join you to the flight deck?"

"I umm... sure. Cya K.O."

You both walked off to the flight deck, overall it was quiet besides the machines working away. It was a peaceful moment. We had made it to the deck, it was a little chilly.

"This is the section where you'll be going, it's logical you start within this area there, Driller will be waiting for you."

Shockwave pointed into the distance to an area you mentally took note of that area. Before you run off the ship you ran back and kissed Shockwave on the side of the optic (I CAN FINALLY GET THIS PART IN) Then you ran and flew off. Shockwave was just standing there his optic glowing a bright red in embarrassment.



you were flying around when you saw a few decently sized holes poking out of some rock. Once you landing you made sure you were quiet as it was dark out and... uh... driller was not something you should wave up. the Nemesis went in half after that event. next to all the holes, there was a small cave but large enough to fit yourself inside. You got in, it was a beautiful site, filled with glowing mushrooms, vines, a small sky light on the caves roof, somw strange carvings within the walls of the cave, and within the center was a large pillar of Dark Energon, leaving you in awe.

"Dad, your not going to belive what I found"

May Our Sparks Unite (Shockwave x Trans! Reader)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن