The New Members

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It's been a year or so since you have been within the Decepticon Ranks, being smaller lead me to a quicken success, although, certain bots where not happy about that. none other than the infamous Starscream and Arachnid themselves. seeking of so, you are on a hunt for a Egg missioned by Shockwave and permissioned by Megatron. unfortunately, you where also accompanied by Starscream during this. How ironic am I right?

"there you are..." you softly spoke at the metal egg which was covered in rocks, cleared it off, wrapping it in a thick fiber blanket, and placed it in a box with a foam coding on the inside, locking it comfortably in place.

"OK, I have the egg Starscream. We need to get closer to the entrance to"

"Do you think you can steal my place in the Deception rank you worthless flesh bag?!" Starscream spat while aiming his rocket at your face.

"First of all, ouch. Secondly, I do better than you because I'm not an idiot and try and defeat Megatron when I know I can't." You say with a smug look.

With a fit of rage, Starscream launches his missile fast at me. You where able to dodge by a long shot it. A little laugh, but that was short-lived. The impact of the missile ricochets all over the cave causing you guessed it a cave in.

Starscream left in a flash, you tried running out of the cave and ended up unsuccessful rocks filled the cave left, right, and center of you needed to protect the sensitive egg from current situation so protectively covering it with your body, you got knocked out cold by one of the rocks and blacked out...
Shockwaves P.O.V.;
I was waiting upon the landing dock with Lord Megatron waiting for the arrival of Y/N and the egg that was discovered not long ago by Soundwave. Figuring it would be logical to send Y/N because they have accompanied me with my research about the species called drillers, that egg is possibly the last of its kind after the war back on Cybertron. Lost in my thoughts I see Starscream approach the ship's dock empty-handed with no Y/N.

"Starscream, where is Y/N and the egg," I spoke.

"T-there was a cave in I tried to get Y/N before it was too late but we were separated due to a cave in! I had to leave before I was killed! And was never able to retrieve the egg!" Starscream was lieing I knew it.

"You mean you left Y/N there WITH the egg to parish?!" Megatron yelled.

"M-my liege I assure you I will send veicons to the area to get them and the egg-"

A ground bridge appeared behind Starscream scaring him. Out walked Y/N, covered in their blood mixed with dust shaking in pain. "The egg has been retrieve, my lord. No cracks no dents and in perfect condition." They said shaking fighting to stay standing.

"Shockwave, take Y/N to Knockout. Me and Starscream need to have a 'chat'". Megatron spoke as I walked off the deck with Y/N in one hand and the egg in theirs.

"D-did I do a good job?" Y/N chuckled a bit and coughed up a bit of blood causing me to walk faster.

"Yes, you did very well, now it would be logical for you not to move around and talk, save your energy," I said with a tone of worried which I have not felt in a very long time. We finally made it to the clinic and I rest Y/N on one of the smaller counters.

As Shockwave placed you down on the counter within the clinic, to look over to see Breakdown is a mess, while Knockout is cleaning my wounds.

May Our Sparks Unite (Shockwave x Trans! Reader)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora