All Falls Down

542 23 6

warning; blood and probably cursing

The day started like every other day, you were currently helping rearrange the Nemesis with my data-pad In hand, you told the Veicons where to put the items and crossed it off my list when they were done with that item. Soundwave was also there so he could keep and record every move from the bots and made sure there was no mistake. Once that was done, you made way to Predakings and Drillers kennel on the Upper dock, of course, we named him Predaking because he was the first of his kind so it's a proper name.

"Hello my boys, I brought your daily Energon" retrieving some clicks from Driller and some happy sounds from Predaking.

As they were chowing down on their Energon. You didn't realize how hot the sun's gaze was on me. so you took your shirt/ sweater off.

"how do you handle this heat?" noticing Predaking sniff your scars from my past top surgery worried purs came from him.

"Hey, I'm ok! really. I think." Predaking gave you a look.

"ok ok ill admit it... I like Shockwave" Driller and Predaking glared at each other

"Heyy, what are you two planning?-"

I was currently being shoved lightly towards the docks door

"fine I'll go tell him how I feel"

Predakings P.O.V.

I shoved Y/N towards the docks door wanting them to confess to their wanted lover, I hope things go well. After that, I went back to the kennel where my brother Driller was and snuggled a large 'stuffy' that Y/N gave me. An hour passed and I saw Y/N walk through the Dock's door, they didn't look pleased and took off running off the Nemesis. I looked at Driller and even he knew something was up.
Your pov
Why, why did they do it? I trusted Arachnid and she stabbed me in the back. I told her that I liked Shockwave, and she goes and makes out with him?! Ugh... I need time alone. I landed on the ground under the Nemesis and take off running to the nearest forest where I would go to cool off. Once I was there I sighed decently loud.

I looked forward and saw a few animals and a small lake I walked to my right and sat down under a tree. A few minutes passed and I heard a stick break I shot up.

"Who's there?!" I yelled making my arm a gun.

Suddenly a cloth covered my mouth and nose I was struggling to get the person off but the content in the cloth made me weak and I passed out.
3 person P.O.V
It's been quiet... too quiet, normally Y/N would be bombarding Soundwave with questions about Cybertron... or would be sitting Megatrons thrones arm with him by now. It's been 5 months... since anyone has seen them out of their room. fast running and thumps catch the attention of the warlord who was sitting upon his throne.

"what is it now Knockout, if it's about your paint job then I don't want to hear it"

"forget my paint! Y/Ns missing!" Knockout said wheezily.

"did you check their room?"

"I even checked where Predaking and Driller are and there are no signs of Y/N"

"start a search team we must find them now!"

"Lord Megatron, two calls are coming forward, for all of us? It's about Y/N" spoke a Veicon

"Answer it and put it on the main screen now"



"Megatron" spoke Optimus

"We have received a message from M.E.C.H. and we also found out they have Y/N. we need to set out diff-" Optimus gout cut off from his sentence.

"There will be no doing of that now."

"Silas, what have you done to Y/N?" Someone spoke

"It is not what, it's what I'm going to do to HIM now, it's been some time since I have made something new so I wanted a 'test subject' for my new creation. I wanted to see if turning humans into machines. since you are all so attached to Mr. Y/N L/N I figured it would be best for you to watch. Bring em in"

You were brought it with your arms chained behind your back those veins that had the dark Energon? Had gone higher up and blinded you in one eye. Bruised, cut and hurt, you were yelling at them. All they could hear were muffled Screams in anger. One of them shoved you which caused you to turn the favour and knock them down. Which caused someone to hit you with a metal bar on the back.

Everyone was so worried and filled with fear of what would happen to them. They got you into the endoskeleton of the bot which was a plain metal on the outside with no colour. The top closed with you inside.

"On three."

Everyone was so scared.


You where scared


You were going to die


"This is going to hurt..."

.  .  .

A few seconds of silence was enough for you to start laughing.


The silence was filled with your muffled Screams. Bones cracking could be heard from inside within the bot. With the rattling metal to metal. some looked away and cried some were yelling for Silas to stop the project and release you at once.


Everything went silent again...

"its complete sir"

"good remove the body we don't want it to smell all rotten. anyways ill be seeing you all very shortly-"

your 'new' body started to lift and you pointed your arm with everyone panicking you fired a missile where Silas was.

the video cut out... everyone was still in shock or crying. They agreed to set out and find you.

Your P.O.V.

How long have I been walking? hours? days? all I know is that I am in a forest... Everything hurts so much... I need to find everyone... I need to rest... For now. You sat down, your back leaning on a large rock behind you. Your body was now shut down mode as you rest.

Voices could be heard in your sleep. friendly voices. the ones we all know.


word count 1069

A/N; i am so sorry for not updating this fanfic for so long I had completely forgotten about it ill try and get more chapters out soon :)

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