Waking Up

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I woke up groggy. I guess I didn't realize I had fallen asleep. As I started to come to, my instincts quickly started taking over and kicking in, bringing me back online. I jumped to my feet, getting into a defensive stance and checking my surroundings. I was all alone, but the room I was in was pitch dark. So I guess that means I at least thought I was alone. Perhaps someone could have been there in the shadows.

I started moving in the direction that a very faint semblance of light seemed to be recognizable in, keeping my eyes out all around me for what could be nearby or what could come out of nowhere. I started thinking and all that was clear was how much was unclear: I had no clue how I got here.

And I still don't. I'm noting this all down in my mind to hopefully pen tangibly later. Fortunately I have quite a strong memory, but still, hopefully I'll be able to recall it later.

If somehow someone is reading this.... I guess that means I did.

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