Let The Games Begin!

Start from the beginning

Jessy: Jake I want to come too, but where do we start? The church is clearly a trap.

Richy: I agree with Jessy, it will be a waste of time.

Jake: I know. But Just look outside! He's got everyone wearing masks so he can hide in plain sight! And after watching that video there is no way MC can walk around with him, she is in no fit state. so she must be alone right now! This is our chance!

Dan: Fuck it! I think he's right. Let's go and find MC!

Alan: There are 10 of us here, 3 of whom are in wheelchairs. So No offence Dan but you Hannah and Richy need to stay here. The rest of us will go and look. You will be too easy to spot out there! Also you said the parade is on at 9, is that when it starts or finishes?

Jessy: I think it finishes at 9, it starts at 8.30 if i remember rightly. Why do you ask?

Alan: When the parade starts the streets will be swarmed with people, making our task all the more difficult, we need to get too MC before then.

Jake: That gives us one hour before the parade starts so take these masks and put them on.

Lilly: You can not be serious Jake!

Jake: We are easy targets out there lilly! It's our only way to blend in! Dan can i have a quick word?

Dan: Sure hackerman!

I take Dan to one side, as everyone is putting their masks on ready to leave.

Jake: Dan do you still have the gun from the cabin?

Dan: It hasn't left my side since!

Jake: Good! Keep it that way! Keep them safe for me!

Dan: Don't worry man, I've got you! Go and save your girl!

I throw Hannah an apologetic look as I walk past for loosing my temper with her, but my god she knows how to push my buttons already! As I head to the door I place my mask on, and as I slide it over my face I'm hit with feeling of disgust and betrayal as I wear the same mask that has terrorised the woman I love, but i have no other choice! The seven of us all disperse into the streets, illuminated by street lamps in the darkness of the night sky. The festival is now in full swing, as we push our way through the crowds, of blissfully unaware people as they sing, dance and drink, enjoying  eachothers company! As we hit the town center, We decide to split up into two groups to cover more ground, Alan, Jessy and I keep moving forwards towards the church whilst the others head up towards the motel, we check as many buildings as possible, looking for forced entry, we check abandoned buildings, shops, cafes, bars! Anything where a back room or basement is accessible from the outside, we even check people's garages! But every time we leave disappointed! We keep going until we reach the church, I know it is a waste of time but somethings been niggling at me, making me feel uneasy, but I just can't put my finger on it! We step up to the big wooden doors, and push them open, making them creak loudly, as we head inside, the first thing I notice is the large cross placed at the alter and it gives me the creeps, sending chills straight through me, i don't know what it is about churches but they make me feel at peace and unnerved simultaneously! The place is immaculate, and actually quite beautiful, as hundreds of candles meticulously placed light up the aisle and surround the alter, i only imagine that one day i can watch MC walk an aisle as breathtaking as this in all her beauty as i await at the alter proud to take her as my wife, the thought makes me smile but it also fills me with great sadness as i snap back to reality. The three of us split up, taking various routes checking every inch of the place, i even search under every pew in my desperation But once again we have nothing, and emptiness fills my body, as the darkness pulls me in! we head back outside, filled with guilt, shutting the doors behind us, and it feels as if someone has reached into my chest and ripped out my heart, leaving nothing but a black empty hole, making the realisation kick In! We have failed her! I have failed her! I have never allowed my feelings to get in the way until MC came into my life, and all of that changed in an instant, i found the woman I've always wanted and i have fallen totally and undeniable in love with her, i miss her more than I ever thought possible and i hate that she's been taken from me! I can not and will not watch her die! The church bells chime as the clock strikes 8pm sending a deathly sound that pierces through my thoughts, like fire to my brain! We have one hour! Just wait for me MC, I won't let you down again! Alan's phone rings and he takes the call, I can practically see the rage boiling inside of him! He ends the call, and turns to the wall punching it with so much force, I hear the crack of bone!


Jake: Alan what's going on?!

Alan: He's taken them!

Jake: Who Alan?!!

Alan: Hannah and Richy, he has fucking taken them!!

Jake: We have to go! Guys come on!

Jake: Jessy! Now!

I can't fucking believe this! Dan had a gun how could this happen! And What the hell is going on with Jessy, I thought she would be distraught at the news! But she's just standing there, like we have all the time in the world staring into space! Alan approaches her but she doesn't speak, she doesn't even move, i go to her side  her face is as white as a sheet, she's frozen in place, and her eyes are glazed with tears, as she holds the expression of terror!

Alan: Jessy what is it?

Jessy: He's watching us!

She raises her hand and points across the street, and that's when we see him! He's got his mask on but there is no doubt its him! I take a step forward and he takes a step back, he's playing with me! He's holding a phone in his hand next to his head, and points at it with the other, keeping the light from the screen firmly directed our way, In that instant my phone goes off, and as I reach in my pocket to pull it out, he does the opposite and puts his away. I try to keep my movements slight, as to not scare him off, and as I am about to read the message, I say to Alan to get ready to run, I'm not going to allow this monster to escape me again!!



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