"Yoon..." Rae whined. This was partially why she was hesitant to take this opportunity - she didn't want them treating her differently. She already felt different because she had access to studios that no one else really had, especially to Genius Lab. She hated feeling different just because of who she knew - it made her feel uncomfortable and like she was taking advantage of them. Her mind was starting to whir out of control all at once, un-noticed by the two soulmates she was with.

"Aw cutie, you're adorable when you whine."

"Don't 'Yoon' me, pretty girl. You won't win." Yoongi said with a sense of finality. Rae grumbled as she stopped herself from jumping hearing a voice in her head. She didn't know she needed to hear Namjoon's voice, or how she was hearing him to begin with. But when she heard him come through, she knew that she needed him to get to her somehow.

Rae? Are you okay love?

Joon, I need you.

I'm coming to get you.

Hobi and Yoongi were looking at their youngest soulmate closely. While she looked fine on the outside, there was definitely something going on inside her head. And with her bonds closed off still from working, they didn't know what it was. Something must have triggered her, but neither of them had a clue. Suddenly, a thought occurred to Hobi - at the same moment that Namjoon showed up. When he saw Namjoon enter the room, he started to pack up Rae's things.

"Namjoon?" Yoongi asked, with a raised brow.

"I'm taking her until it's time to go. Taehyung and Jimin will bring her home." Namjoon left no room for arguing as he used his leader voice, which even his hyung's knew not to mess with. Hobi gave Rae her bag as Namjoon stood her up, taking her hand and leading her to his studio. Once inside, he locked the door behind them and quickly took off her bag and placed it next to his on the ground. When he was done with that, he scooped up Rae in his arms and held her on the couch.

"I... I don't..." she stammered. Namjoon shushed her quiet, like a baby, as she buried her head in him for comfort.

"It's okay. Sometimes, our bonds will reach out to another person when you need them. When Jimin was going through a tough time on the Wings tour, he tried to hide it from us. One night, Jin woke up and frantically said we had to find him. We found him in his bathroom on the floor crying."

"So my bond... reached out to yours?" Rae asked, letting out a content sigh as Namjoon started to gently pet the top of her head. He let out an affirmative hum as the two of them went quiet. Slowly, she felt herself start to clam down. "I'm sorry that you had to come get me."

"Don't apologize. We've all had panic attacks, what matters is that you're okay now. You don't have to tell us anything if you don't want to." he said, pressing a soft kiss to her forehead.

"I want to tell you all... But I want to do it with everyone, and I was gonna do it tonight..." she started, before Namjoon stopped her.

"Let yourself enjoy dinner, love. We can all talk tomorrow, okay?" he proposed. Rae nodded as there was a knock on the door, prompting Namjoon to get up. Taehyung and Jimin stood in the doorway, eyes wide with concern. "I'm going to have a talk with the others. Your TaeTae and Jiminie are going to take you home, okay? They'll take good care of you until they have to leave." Rae let out a nod as Namjoon handed Jimin her bag and she stood up.

"Lets get you home, princess." Taehyung held his hand out for her to take and she gladly accepted, Jimin tailing closely from behind. Rae had never seen the two be more serious in her life than she saw them right now. Whatever Namjoon had sent over the bond, they were listening. She also knew there had to be a reason why Namjoon picked both Taehyung and Jimin to bring her home. Another pang of guilt flushed through her for making Namjoon worry and work overtime as the leader. Jimin gave her a kiss on the cheek and Taehyung squeezed her hand gently - Namjoon was definitely in their heads.

cherry blossoms - an OT7 soulmate storyWhere stories live. Discover now