Chapter 53: Lost everything but not our hope

Start from the beginning

Eric: (smile) We're back and we git some good supplies!

Y/n: That's good to hear.

He turn and walk up to Eric as Y/n ask him.

Y/n: Any food or medical supplies?

Eric: We couldn't find any food but we did got some weapons, ammo and medical kits. This can keep us up for a few weeks.

Y/n: Yeah but we needed some food in hopes we can last longer. Luckily the reds and blues are away to find some food.

Eric: You think they be fine?

Y/n: Elijah, Gabriel and Mia are with them. They be fine.

Eric: Right. Let's hope they find foods soon otherwise-

UNSC marine: (outside) Fuck you man!

The two turn and approach the window to see two marines get into a fight while marines and other Spartans try to calm them down. The two watch this as Y/n let out a sigh and place his hands onto the control console.

Y/n: I sometimes question if I'm doing a good job as hope to them. John was hope to humanity but can I be a hope to them?

Eric: (smile) I know you can do this Y/n. We didn't make you leader of this place for no reason.

Y/n: Yeah but your a better leader then I am. Just because John is my brother that doesn't mean-

Eric: I know, I know but it's not just because of that. It's because what you can do to make us all happy and keep us safe. You don't have to be John, you just do what you do and that is being hope to us in your own way of things.

Eric place his hand onto his shoulder and tells Y/n.

Eric: (smile) I know you can do this man. And if you thinm you can't do this, I'll be there to help you, always.

Y/n cracks a smile as he turns to Eric and node back to him.

Watcher: Seems like you two having a moment.

They turn to see Watcher appear on a holotable as the two approach him.

Y/n: Give me a report Watcher.

Watcher: Okay looks like Fireteam: Freelancer are helping out both Fireteam: Rainbow and Fireteam: Heard head at a UNSC facility. Reds and blues are still looking for any food or supplies while Ashley, Sophie, Ave and Doc are returning back from New Alexandria and ONI sword base.

Eric: (surprised) ONI sword base? But that place was blown apart by Noble team right?

Y/n: We need to make sure all data is all destroyed and make sure that the Covenant will not let their hands on it. What about Jun? Any word from him?

Watcher: The last Noble Team survivor has last seen reported to be at Castle base but suddenly he disappeared. It's unknown where he went?

Eric: Well if he's out there then he might be already dead by now.

Y/n: Let's not think about that. We need to hope that one Noble team member is still alive and kicking.

Watcher: Still we should discuss on how we get out of this planet and head the elites hoke world of Sanhelios.

Eric: Yeah my team checked the crashed ships but there was nothing. The engines, slip space drive, basically everything is broken and useless. We need a new plane to get off thid planet and fast.

Y/n: I already have.

Eric: You did?

Y/n: This maybe dangerous or crazy but it's our only shot we got.

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