a mother's story. a daughters story

Start from the beginning

The girls replied. """"[Really!?]""""
Cinder giggled and said. "Yep, one time deal because i kicked ass today what could be the harm in trying to get used to affection right?." At that neo manifested words, that read
(Get her!) And the girls charged the young mom with a ferver and battlecry that would certainly instill fear in the hearts of grimm! """"[HAAAAA!]""""
Cinder fall could only get out an. "Oh shit!" And was tackled by ruby's speed semblance and then neo manifested chains holding her in place, she must have been practicing because these glass illusions were quite strong. Then ruby who was now snuggling her mom declared. "Now nuzzle her into oblivion!" Cinder began to sweat as the girls yelled back. """[RIGHT!]""" Ruby then added. "Her armpits are her weakness velvet! Go for them and keep her stabilized!" Velvet did so with a. "R-right!" Then ruby said. "Neo go for the spot behind her knees!" Neo saluted and did so, ruby then said. "Em bottom of her feet!" Emerald replied with a cold. "Ma'am!" And did as her orders entailed. "Blake! Come help me nuzzle her neck while she's preoccupied!" Blake smiled with a smile full of mischief and said. "Yes ruby!"

Many would ask cinder when she was most afraid in her entire life, and all would get the same answer, that night after her re-match with winter when she accidentally accepted the red flame gems fury of a thousand sun's, now most wouldn't know of the real story behind this mysterious answer. But team NVEBR would, and so would their victim. After all it was the night that cinder fall fell. And to her own daughters no less. But if anything was certain to the young mom laughing hysterically on the floor, it was that for the moment all was right with the world.

Bonus neo centric short

Sisterly love.

Neo sat there with her sister ruby in the hotel room at the Glass unicorn. "Neo I'm so cold." Said ruby, the heat in the building was out at the moment and neo and ruby were by themselves bonding, well were supposed to be bonding until the heat went out. [come here and hold onto me ruby. i'll keep you warm] Neo then picked up her legless sister in her arms and and began nuzzling her neck lovingly and snuggled her sister in the corner. After a few minutes ruby then reported her new problem. "Neo, i'm cold and bored." 'you're lucky i love you more then anything in this world little gemstone' she then signed her sister a question. [what do you want to do then beautiful?] Ruby giggled and said. "Oh come on neo, i am nowhere near as pretty as you or emerald." Neo theatrically rolled her eyes and signed [that's only because you're little and we aren't. heck in time i bet me and you will be a pair of knock-outs that will put dear old mom to shame] Ruby giggled and said. "That would be so cool! Me and you the tallest and prettiest girls to ever walk beacons halls!" Neo pumped her fist and then signed [heck yeah]

Neo then got an idea and with a little flair from her semblance, she made a light bulb appear above her head and she signed [what if we finally paint those legs of yours?] Ruby gasped and she said. "Really!? You wanna help me with my legs!?" Neo smiled and made the words (heck yeah!) Appear above her and ruby squealed with joy and said. "Okay then let's do it!" The two got the materials ruby got the sliver limbs out of their storage case, and neo fetched the paints that they would need. And soon enough the legs were on a tarp on the floor and neo and ruby were ready for war. With potentially the cutest war faces that ever graced remnant but neither would ever agree to any description less then war goddesses.

After the initial base coat which interestingly enough ruby wanted to be dark purple 'hehehe that's blakes favorite color you little ladies girl' Then ruby said. "Now we make the wires and nerves green!" This confused neo slightly but she obeyed and soon the legs were purple colored on the plates resembling flesh and shiny green where the joints were in all parts of the leg. Neo looked upon the purple and green legs and thought 'huh, maybe she just likes that show about that boy who fights giant monsters in a green and purple mech?'

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 16, 2023 ⏰

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