One winged raven. And nevermore

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Cinder pov

The arrival at the belladonna's estate was an event cinder would never forget. Between the exhausting experience, and kali's reaction towards ruby's new state. 'still, i hope she's doing better today' zarathos replied. 'YOU WORRY TOO MUCH YOUNG CINDER. THE YOUNG ONE IS STRONG SHE CAN HANDLE THIS. JUST BE THERE WHEN SHE NEEDS YOU'

Cinder mentally thanked zarathos, and went to carry ruby to breakfast. "Morning mama! Sleep okay?" Cinder put on a brave face and said. "Yeah, how about you?" Ruby smiled and said. "Neo, em, velvet and blake have been really nice to me. Although... i miss training with them." Cinder picked up ruby and said. "How's... uh, how's the burns?" Ruby hugged cinder saying. "I'm fine mama, you didn't do anything wrong. The doctor said if you didn't do that, i would be dead. So you saved me."

Cinder kissed ruby's cheek saying. "Then we'll call it even, my little pyro gem." Ruby replied. "Plus you carrying me again is kinda nice, you haven't done that since i was a baby." Cinder smiled, and said. "Well... if you want mama daughter time more often, just tell me and i'll do my best." Ruby excitedly replied. "Really!?" Cinder nodded, and ruby hugged her again. "Mr belladonna and daddy have a surprise for you today." That piqued the young girls attention. "Oh? I can't wait! Daddy always gets me crazy presents."

Ruby pov

Cinder smiled, and they entered the main hall. ""Surprise!"" Shouted the two men. What they revealed was a wheelchair with a built in tray and cup holder. "Woah! What is it!?" Roman replied. "It's a wheelchair, you can sit in it and get pushed places. Think of it kinda like a stroller but for big girls." So cinder approached and set ruby in the seat. "It's also got motor control functionality and it can recline, me and your daddy wanted to get you the very best." Said ghira. "You did help save our homeland after all."

Ruby replied. "Really!?" Then kali came in with a box saying. "Yes you did sweetheart, you were very brave. And in fact you and your team will be getting an award later today." Ruby asked. "What kind of award? Because i would like ice cream for life!" Roman mumbled. "Neo's been a bad influence on her." But got swiftly elbowed, after a *CRASH* made the girl and her friends appear.

"Ow! How many times i gotta say don't sneak up on me with your semblanceses!" The group began high fiving at the success of sneaking up on a huntsman. "Are we really getting a reward miss kali?" Asked emerald. The mother of blake nodded, signing. [you are a great leader miss neo] the woman added verbally. "That's all the sign i know, but i wanted to inform you in your way dear." The tri colored girl bowed politely, and made a sign appear that said. (You honor me, but my sister deserves the praise. She is a great example of what a hero should be)

Then neo flipped the sign, and it had new words. (Velvet and blake also showcased excellent skill and bravery at risk to themselves. They're an inspiration to not only me, but soon faunus every where) the little girl in the wheelchair squealed. "Oh my gosh neo! That's sooooo cool! You can make signs now!" Neo spun around, and blew a real kiss mark towards ruby. It hit her cheek and broke with a light *poof* then she signed. [i've been practicing. what do you think?] She made a question mark appear above her head, moving up and down adorably.

"I think you're the coolest person i've ever seen!" Neo's question mark transformed into floating words that said (Ha ha ha ha!) As she mimed laughter in a heroic pose. The other girls seemed to pout, blake especially at ruby's comment. The adults all laughed, while kali and cinder smirked at blake's display of disappointment. "Well now, you and the rest of team NVEBR, will report to the center of town later." Ruby excitedly signed to neo. [that's near our ice cream place! ice cream for life!] Neo replied. [fingers crossed] with an accompanying floating hand with fingers crossed above her head.

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