Boiling point.

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Team NVEBR pov 4 months later

[okay team, today is a very important day! for its the birthday of my baby sister ruby!] """Yeah!""" Said blake emerald and velvet. [we are going to distract her this morning so that mom and dad can prepare gifts, ready team!] They repeated. """Yeah!""" And then they proceeded to ruby's room, and walked in while she was sleeping. """[Surprise!]""" That made ruby jolt upwards and wake up, after a minute she said. "You guys! Thank you so much!" Then ruby looked panicked and made to cover her black cat pajamas, but curiously she looked like she was wearing pink brown and white pj's so she looked up and saw neo give a small wink, that seemed to say [i got you sis]

Ruby and neo pov

She smiled and nodded a silent thanks to her amazing big sister. They all left except neo who took to helping ruby get ready every morning since the accident. "So... i'm gonna be 5 today huh?" Neo gave her a smirk and made words appear in front of ruby in Neo's color scheme that read (are you excited?) Ruby replied. "I... i don't know, i miss my legs so badly neo. I want to run again, wear pants and not only shorts. I want to wear cool shoes like the other girls." Then words appeared again that read (when you get new legs i'll get you a brand new pair of shoes and pants ruby)

The 5 year old asked. "You... you promise?" More words appeared (i swear on my life, i would never and i mean ever lie to you, you're my favorite person remember?) That seemed to cheer up the legless 5 year old who said. "You're mine too! Thank you, for being my sister neo." Ruby felt a small Peck on her left cheek and words appeared again that said (i couldn't imagine life without you as my sister, emerald either. But you and me, we got legacy don't we?)

Ruby smiled and finally clothed and ready said. "More like legendary!" To which the heterochromatic girl smirked and gave ruby their patented fist bump. They touched knuckles, made a show of staring into each other's eyes and pulled back their fists all dramatically. And a small burst of fire and glass swirled between their pulled back fist. "Hee hee." Ever sense neo discovered how to move her semblance shards, she learned that it could almost act as a form of telekinesis, thus her being able to control ruby's fire in a ring.

Ruby then let go of it and said. "Okay okay you win but not next time you hear me?" The tri colored girl tipped her illusory hat and bowed. "Hmph, show off." Neo rose up and made a shocked face and words appeared above her that read (me madame? I would never show off! Pish posh!) Ruby giggled at her sister's silly antics and said. "Alright alright, let's go downstairs, now that you've distracted me long enough." That made neo show genuine shock, and ruby replied. "What? You don't think i perused your book on how to identify tells?" That made neo give a silent gasp of approval, and ruby answered the un asked question. "It was velvet, she looked ready to stop me whenever i tried to get up, so i did it a few more times and she looked nervous. It being my birthday made the likeliest outcome, you guys stalling for time."

Neo made ruby appear to be in a famous literary detectives trademark outfit, as she looked like his right hand man. [good show hallums!] Ruby replied. "Indubitably mister dotson!" Then the illusion shattered as the two laughed at their weird little games. "Oh man, alright let's go. Onwards noble steed!" Neo scooped ruby into a piggyback and made herself look like she had a horse tail and ears. Then she charged into the hall and down the stairs.

Ruby pov

Once they arrived they saw a banner the read (happy 5th birthday ruby!) And all the people who showed up screamed.
"""""""""HAPPY BIRTHDAY!"""""""""
To which ruby squealed with delight. "Thank you guys so much!" Ruby then was carried over to her chair and sat down in it to open gifts. "Me first! Me!" Screamed blake all excited, causing cinder to say. "Guess it's blake first." The recently 7 year old squealed and ran over to ruby. "Here ruby! I... um, made it just for you."

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