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Energy traveled from the tips of my fingers, up my arms, all the way to the top of my head. I could sense Jihun rooting around in my thoughts, but it wasn't painful like I'd anticipated. His magic was warm, pleasant, as if it was his intention to put my mind at ease. Flashbacks of my time with Siwoo flashed before my eyes. Now that part, that was what hurt. Not physically, but terrible all the same. It made my skin crawl and my pulse quicken in fear.

Just a bit longer. A couple more seconds. I can do this. I kept repeating the words to myself over and over, hoping that at some point they'd become true. I clenched my jaw, unknowingly holding my breath until he finally let go of me, freeing me from my horrible memories. Opening his eyes, he stared at me with scrunched brows and a pitying frown. A human reaction- one I didn't expect from a God o the council, given my experience with one in particular.

Jihun didn't say anything to me, instead he turned to my mother. "Iseul, I recommend you speak with your daughter privately."

My mother's stoic face remained unchanged. She barely bothered to turn her head towards me. "Thank you, Jihun."

"Now them, I believe I've seen quite enough," Jihun spoke, turning to the group, and urging me to retake my spot by my friends. "The Council will proceed accordingly. Should we need your assistance we will be in touch. For now, you are dismissed."

I was surprised to hear Jin speak up. "That's it? We're just...dismissed?" His tone was calm, but the underlying annoyance was visible on his face. Not like him.

"Jin," Jungkook pressed a hand down on his shoulder.

The two men exchanged a quick look and Jin pursed his lips. Between the pair, I'd never expect Jin to be the hot-headed one in this situation. Though I did understand his anger. After everything we'd gone through to take down Siwoo, we were being tossed to the wayside with no real resolution. Were we supposed to trust that the Divine Council would take care of things? They were no doubt capable, but I was still having a difficult time coming to terms with the idea of our group having zero involvement going forward. I wanted to be done with all of this, but it felt wrong somehow...

"Yes, please take your leave," my mother replied, staring fiercely at Jin. "Y/N, stay behind a moment."

Jungkook gripped my hand, hesitant to leave me on my own. I mouthed a quick 'I'm okay' and shooed him off to follow the others to the elevator. Both Jihun and Yoona took their leave as well through a private elevator in the back corner of the meeting room. Being left alone with my mother was about as awkward as I had expected it would be. I sat in silence, picking at my nails, waiting for her to say something.

"What did..." she started before cutting herself off. She pinched the bridge of her nose. "I'm sorry. Rather, how are you?"

Hm. Her attempt at normalcy? "Well, I'm better, I suppose," I smiled weakly.

"I guess that was a silly question given the circumstances," she sighed. "I know it's been a while since we've spoken, but you are my daughter, and Jihun wouldn't have made that comment to me if he hadn't seen something...wrong." For the first time, her eyes softened, and she truly looked at me.

I looked to the ground, feeling too nervous to meet her eyes directly. "Siwoo, he..." I bit my lip, pausing. "He tortured me...that's where I learned about some of his motives and abilities. That's what Jihun saw."

My mother's eyes widened, and she brought a hand to her mouth. "He..."

"It's okay, I'm okay," I quickly interjected.

Her momentary display of worry disappeared as quickly as it had come, her face twisting in rage. "I will make sure he is taken care of thoroughly."

In a way, I'd hoped for a different reaction. But that would be expecting her to be someone she wasn't. She would never coddle me and tell me everything would be alright, but she would make damn sure I was protected. Her love was different, but it wasn't wrong, or even lesser than. It was something I'd struggled with as a child, always expecting a warm and cuddly response from the woman who'd brought me into the world. Even now, as an adult, I had trouble understand her, but I was trying. I wanted to improve our relationship.

"Will you tell me when it's done...mom?" The words felt foreign on my tongue, and given her fluttering eyes, they came as a surprise to her as well.

"I will," she cleared her throat. "I'll call you."

I was thankful she left our conversation at that and hadn't pressed me for more information. It would likely come after Siwoo was taken care of, but at least I had time to prepare how I wanted to answer her.


"Did things go alright with your mother?" Jungkook questioned, sitting next to me on the couch. Everyone had returned to their respective homes, accepting that there was not much else we could do but wait to hear back from the council.

"In a way, I think our little chat actually went fairly well," I chuckled, throwing my legs across his knees, and laying back against the edge of the couch.

"You were right, she is definitely a character," he raised his brows. "I see where you get your feistiness from."

I shook my head and winked. "You don't know the half of it."

Jungkook sucked his teeth. "Don't get my started, my Goddess. I'm exhausted but I can always make time to test that theory."

I sat back up and pressed a kiss to his cheek, giggling. "I'll behave. How about I make us some dinner? I've been imposing on you for too long without helping."

"You've been hurt, I hardly think that counts as imposing on me."

"I have to start getting back to normal somehow," I shrugged. "You know I actually have a job to return to at some point, right?"

"Ah yes, the stuff you do on the computer. Does that count?" He smirked.

"I'm in finance for the hospital Hoseok works for. It's boring, yes, but it definitely counts," I glared. "Don't you have a nightclub you should be checking on?"

He let out a sarcastic sigh. "Actually, I have a wonderful manager who has been handling everything in my absence."

"Who, Jin?" I shook my head, beginning to pull out the ingredients to make a simple pasta. "When was his last day off?"

"Hmm, I'd say roughly forty-six days ago."

My fingers fumbled and I nearly dropped the pan in my hands. "Are you kidding me!?" I stared at Jungkook with my mouth agape. "Give that poor man a break! No wonder he snapped today!"

"You could always come work for Solanaceae," Jungkook hummed. "I could use someone to handle the numbers and paperwork. Then, maybe Jin could get some rest." I was focused on my cooking, but I could hear his voice growing closer.

I raised a brow. "I don't know, the boss seems like a bit of an asshole," I snickered to myself. "Are you trying to use Jin to guilt trip me into working for you?"

Jungkook's hands crept up to the side of my hips as he leaned down and rested his head on my shoulder, watching over the pan from behind. "Is it working?" he asked softly.


In actuality, the offer did spark my curiosity. Most Gods worked in a field that related to and benefited from their abilities, though most had no need to work at all given their generations of familial wealth. I started working with Hoseok as a grab for independence, not because it was something I was passionate about or even particularly good at. The path I was meant to follow was that of my mother's footsteps- an eventual member of the council. So naturally, I chose to avoid anything related to godly affairs instead. To rebel.

"What if I say please?" Jungkook whispered, turning his lips towards my ear. "I'm not too proud to beg."

"You are very convincing, Jeon Jungkook," I giggled, turning to face him. "But honestly, I have no idea what I want to do with my life. That said, I could think of worse ways to spend my time...so, I'll consider it, alright?"

"It's okay not to know all that, you know? There's no rush," he smiled.

"You say that, yet you run your own business and you're only a few years older than me," I pouted.

He flicked me in the forehead. "You're a Goddess, you can do whatever you want. Take your time figuring it out. I'll be by your side regardless."

"Yeah, yeah," I rolled my eyes in response to his sweet words, holding in my true feelings. The fact that he'd just made my heart skip a beat.

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