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As I approached the dark glass building once again, I didn't feel the same nervousness as the first night I saw it. Now the only thing I felt was wrath. Someone was going to tell me who this 'Yoongi' man was, and where the hell I could find him. Or so helps me Gods, I was going to burn this place to the ground.

I stomped up to the bouncer at the entrance, ignoring the line of people waiting. Though I was fully aware of their disdainful eyes on me, I simply didn't care. "I need to speak with the owner of this place."

The towering brick wall of a man scoffed and clicked his tongue at me. "Who do you think you are? Go wait in line like everyone else."

"Would you deny a Goddess entrance?" It wasn't the card I wanted to play, but if you have it in your hand, why not? Gods damn it, I sound like Jimin.

"A Goddess?" he cackled. "A meek little thing like you? You're not serious, are you?"

"Deadly." His mocking tone had thoroughly pissed me off. My eyes flickered with bright, glowing specks gold as I reached out to grip his arm, power coursing through my fingertips.

"Uh- alright, alright. Calm down. I was making a joke," he tried to wiggle away. "Go inside and take the stairs up to third floor. Take the hallway on the left and his office will be the double doors at the end."

I loosened my grip and moved past the man to make my way inside Solanaceae. The music was booming and obnoxious, but I was so focused I could nearly drown it out. Third floor. Left. Double doors. Should I knock? I didn't have a personal vendetta against the owner of Solanaceae...just one of his patrons. But my anger was getting the better of me, so I didn't knock, just slammed the doors wide open.

"The fuck?" A man seated at a desk in the center of the room cursed as I entered unannounced. His face was cold, despite his bright eyes and delicate features. However, that wasn't what stopped me in my tracks, feet unwilling to inch forward. It was his aura. So dark and heavy in the air that it was smothering me. I couldn't move. I could barely breathe.

"Relax, Jungkook, she's probably drunk and lost," The male next to him sighed. He had a much kinder expression, though I could feel powerful magic emanating from him as well.

"Get her out."

"W-wait, please!" I managed to choke out. "I'm trying to find someone I met at this club last week. I think they did something to my friend..."

"Are you an idiot? Go to the police, then," the man named Jungkook spat out.

"You don't understand!" I quickly added. "I believe it was a God."

He perked up at the sound of the word, but quickly shifted his expression back to its previous harshness. "Jin, get her out."

The one he had just called Jin gave me a look of pity. "Get out."

As the words left his lips it felt as though an imaginary force was tugging me away from the office. I turned on my heel and walked away despite the screaming voice in my head begging me to remain in place. After exiting, I couldn't take a single step back towards those double doors, no matter how desperately I tried. I had to give up.

I slammed my back against the wall outside and fell in a slump on the ground. I'd learned nothing and I'd probably made an enemy of the only ally who could help me in this. I assumed the man named Jungkook to be the owner of Solanaceae. The only one who could check the cameras from that night and help me locate the God who'd cursed Eunji. Without him, I'd be scrambling for a lead.

Enraptured [Jungkook x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now