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"Don't be so mean, Y/N," Eunji whined. "I'm just having some fun. We don't have to be suspicious of everyone we come across."

My jaw dropped and I let out a sigh of defeat. "Fine, I'll loosen up."

Yoongi returned in no time with a tray of glasses and presented us each with a drink of our own. The glass was filled with a bright purple liquid with a sickeningly sweet aroma. I enjoyed fruity drinks, but this was almost overpowering. It certainly wasn't something you could sip on all night.

Eunji tilted her head back and shot down the drink in one big gulp. "Ahh, that is delicious."

I took a small sip to get a feel for the taste. The liquid hit my tongue, spreading the sugary flavor throughout my mouth. Definitely too sweet. I had to force myself to swallow, hoping the disgust wasn't too evident on my face. I didn't want to be rude since Yoongi had recommended the drink.

"Eh, that is not it, Yoongi," Jimin stuck out his tongue. Clearly, he wasn't concerned with politeness. "How can you like that Eunji? It's like someone melted down a popsicle and mixed it with a bunch of sugar and alcohol."

"Sorry, Yoongi," Hoseok shook his head vigorously. "It's a no from me, too."

"That's too bad," he scratched his head. "I guess we have different tastes, but at least Eunji seems to have enjoyed it. Maybe she can finish yours off."

"She's probably fried her taste buds," I mumbled before turning my attention to Yoongi. "What's this called anyway?"


I chuckled at the name. "Great. It might actually be easier to get her home if she's sleepy."

And the drink did in fact seem to live up to its name. Not long after downing the rest of our drinks, Eunji calmed down and complained that she was ready for bed. Her complaints didn't come a moment too soon, as I was exhausted too, and couldn't wait to get back to our apartment. We'd been going until the early hours of the morning, and there wasn't much more I could take. We said our farewells to Yoongi before exiting by ourselves. We hadn't exchanged contact info, which I thought was for the best. I was still concerned that he may have been a God, though he'd given no indication of it aside from the initial gut feeling I'd gotten when I first saw him.

Hoseok and Jimin, well, mostly Jimin given Hoseok's drunken state, assisted me in getting Eunji back home and tucked into bed. I left Hoseok in Jimin's care, assuming they would crash at one or the other's place. My head was swimming as I threw myself down against my mattress and pulled the covers over my body. The alcohol was taking its toll on me, and now that I didn't have the pressure of keeping my idiot friends alive, I had started to feel it. It wasn't long before my eyelids became too heavy to fight the sleep.


A blood curdling scream ripped through the air, forcing my body to shoot up in alert. It was coming from the direction of Eunji's room. I rushed over to her as quick as my still-tired legs would take me. Tearing the door open, I found her sat up in bed with tears streaming down her cheeks, her body shaking violently.

"Eunji, what happened?!" I ran over to sit by her side.

Her breaths still raggedy, she managed to respond, "I think it was just a nightmare." She forced a smile to her lips. "I'm sorry for worrying you."

I spent the next couple of hours rubbing her back, hoping to lull her back to a peaceful sleep. I thought nothing more of the occurrence, until it happened again the following night. And the following. Night after night for the entire week she woke from a dead sleep screaming and crying from terrible dreams.

"Eunji, I don't think this is normal," I spoke in a low tone, trying to console her after a particularly bad instance. "Please, let me try to see what's wrong."

Eunji felt bad, as though she were inconveniencing me, but that was the furthest thing from the truth. She was my dearest friend, and I couldn't stand to see her suffering in misery. Something didn't sit right with me about these recent nightmares. They weren't natural and I fully suspected foul play.

As the Goddess of Light, one of my abilities was to discern the sources, types, and intentions of magic. I was by no means an expert at utilizing my power, but I was confident that I would at least be able to gain some sort of information. I raised my hand to the side of Eunji's head and closed my eyes to focus. Visions of her nightmares flashed through my mind, forcing me to flinch in reaction. Drowning. Suffocating. My lungs were collapsing.

As painful as it was, I kept digging deeper trying to find the source, until I finally felt it. Magic. It was dark and vicious and above all...familiar. That fucking bastard. Yoongi. I knew something was off about him. He was a God. There was no doubt about it now. And he had done this to Eunji.

My thoughts wandered to the events of our night at Solanaceae. Why target only Eunji? And then it clicked. The drink. Nightcap. The name seemed quirky and harmless at the time but now it all made sense. Hoseok, Jimin, and I had only taken in a small amount, so our bodies likely rejected the magic naturally. Eunji was the only one who had indulged in more than a single sip of the bitter drink, and she was the only one experiencing side effects as a result.

Rage flashed in my eyes as they shot open, freeing me from the visions. I gritted my teeth and sucked in a deep breath to calm myself. "I know who did this."

Eunji looked at me in concern and gripped my shoulder. "Y/N, who is it?"

"That man from that night at Solanaceae who shared drinks with us. I felt a strange presence from him then, and I feel that same thing all over you now."

"So, you think he's a God?" She bit her lip. She knew the answer even without my reply.


"What can I do? Someone with the power to curse my dreams...how do I even fight against that?"

"Let me take care of this," I patted her head softly. "I'll go back to Solanaceae and speak with someone in charge about how I can locate that man. I'll make him reverse what he's done to you. I promise you that."

Aside from our friendship, I felt a sense of responsibility to protect Eunji. Gods had different levels of power based on their bloodline, and that was what dictated the hierarchy amongst them. I was by no means a high-level Goddess, but I wasn't exactly a minor one either. I had a duty to ensure the safety of those who weren't as strong as me. That was the blessing of my bloodline. My purpose.

This hierarchy was made even more important as the disparity between 'good' and 'evil' Gods continued to grow. This wasn't the first time a God had crossed the line and turned against another. As time had gone on, possessing godly power had gotten increasingly dangerous. Everyone wanted to use you in one way or another.

Tears welled up in Eunji's eyes. "I'm so sorry, Y/N, I should have listened to you."

"Eunji, it's okay." I shook my head. "I think he imbued his magic in the drinks he gave us, sort of like a poison. I don't think it will be as simple as letting it clear out of your system, but I'm sure he can stop it himself. I will fix this."

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