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Waking up the next morning meant back to business. Back to reality. Jungkook and I had slept in as late as possible, enjoying as much time in each other's arms as possible, but we still ended up only getting a few hours of rest. Now, hyped up on caffeine, it was time to meet with everyone to determine our plan going forward. There was a definite nervous energy between the two of us as we prepped the house for guests, setting up space for ten at the table. It felt like we were preparing for war. And perhaps we were.

Eunji and Jimin were the first pair to arrive. They tackled me into a hug as soon as I opened the door. "Y/N!" Eunji cried. "I'm so sorry- I don't even know what to say."

"We should've been with you," Jimin frowned, looking down with a face pained with guilt.

"No," I responded sternly. "What happened is over and I am glad neither of you were there to witness it."

Jimin stared at my neck, examining the charm that he had given me. "It looks like that relic actually did help at least."

I rubbed the charm between my fingers. "What do you mean?"

"You don't feel it? That thing is practically radiating with absorbed magical energy."

In all honesty, I didn't feel anything out of the ordinary. Thinking back on it, the knife that Siwoo had used against me had been covered in runes. Maybe those runes had been the source of his so called 'poison' that had failed to take effect on me. Even his own magic seemed to be heavily diluted compared to the first time he'd used it on me. I didn't think my power had grown that much in such a short time, but I wasn't going to question something positive. If what Jimin was saying was correct, the blessed charm he gave me could very well be the reason I was still alive.

"I think you might've saved my life, Jimin."

"What can I say- I have a good intuition." he wiggled his brows. "But I don't think that thing has much juice left in it, so don't press your luck."

Jungkook entered the room with a handful of books and papers and greeted Eunji and Jimin. Jimin instantly began glancing between Jungkook and I, giving me a suspicious look.

"What?!" I shouted, a hint of irritation in my voice.

"Nothing, nothing at all," Jimin hummed.

"Jimin. What."

"The threads between you two are just...wow."

I buried my face in my hands, cursing myself for asking. I'd forgotten he could see more than the naked eye... He could see quite a bit about the relationship between people. Too much. I knew he couldn't possibly know about last night, but it still felt as though he were peering deep into my soul, uncovering all of my secrets. My flustered reaction no doubt cemented any assumptions he was forming. Jimin would be generous enough not to mention it at the table, but I knew I'd be getting an earful later. At least Eunji was too innocent to draw any conclusions from Jimin's comment.

The doorbell ringing was a much-welcomed escape from the awkwardness of my current predicament. The rest of our guests arrived in one big group- Hoseok, Jin, Yoongi, Taehyung, Namjoon, and Bitna. This mission required all hands on deck, so we had collectively decided to forgive past unsavory...pranks. Eunji was even willing to set aside what had happened with Yoongi. Truly an angel, that one, considering all she'd gone through as a result of his nightmare curse. I followed her lead and agreed to play nice with Bitna, pardoning the fact that she had spiked my tea with horrible bad luck and basically tried to kill me. I kind of wanted to strangle her, but as they say, good things come to those who wait. I'll wait.

Jungkook cleared his throat and all eyes in the room turned to him. "We don't believe it's wise to wait for Siwoo to strike us first. Y/N found a couple of locations that might be where Siwoo is hiding. We're going to split into two groups and try to capture him."

"Not kill him?" Yoongi questioned.

Jungkook glared at him. "No, not kill him. Deicide is a death sentence for us, even if he does deserve it. We will capture him and then find some other way to deal with him afterwards." I knew those words were difficult for Jungkook. He wanted to kill Siwoo. I was the one who'd begged him to reconsider. It wasn't worth the risk. Getting caught would mean throwing away our lives. There had to be a better option.

Jin passed the papers that outlined the two locations in question down the table. "With me will be Bitna, Eunji, Taehyung, and Yoongi."

"And with me will be Y/N, Hoseok, Jimin, and Namjoon," Jungkook followed up.

"We will begin tonight. Rest up here until then," Jin continued. "Each group will return by daybreak. If a group doesn't meet back here in time, the other group will meet them at their location. If that happens...assume and be ready for the worst-case scenario."

"The worst-case scenario..." Eunji mumbled, her face grim. She wasn't the only one- many of the expressions in the room had turned sullen.

"I won't lose," Bitna scoffed, crossing her arms. "I'll prove that I'm the most powerful Goddess. Someone worthy of Jungkook." Cringe.

Namjoon punched her in the shoulder. "Gods, get over it, Bitna."

"Yes, dear, that ship has sailed," Jimin whistled. "But I want to prove myself, too. I ran away the last time I encountered Siwoo. I won't act as a coward again."

With exchanged words of encouragement, everyone broke off into their respective groups and I snuck into the kitchen to get a fresh cup of coffee and center myself. The hot, bittersweet liquid hit my tongue and instantly soothed some of my nerves, allowing me to relax my shoulders. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't afraid. After everything I'd gone through it was hard to walk back into the fire, but I knew if I showed any hesitation, Jungkook wouldn't allow me to help. More present than my fear was the overwhelming desire to protect the people gathered here. That was my driving force.

"Are you okay?" Jungkook appeared from behind me, his hand gripping my waist.

I turned to him and nodded with as much confidence as I could muster. "I'm just worried...I don't want anyone to get hurt."

"Don't forget you are amongst Gods," he smirked, patting the back of my head. "Jin and I broke up the groups carefully so that our strengths and weaknesses were complemented."

"I don't doubt you thought a lot about this, I just..."

"Everyone here today is here for the same reason as we are- they want to protect each other. It was their choice to be here."

"You're right," I smiled. "I have to trust in them, or I'll end up being the one holding us back."

Jungkook placed a soft kiss on my lips. "You just need to get out of your head."

"I know. Let's get this done."

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