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"Uh-oh," Jin mumbled under his breath and rose from his chair. "I'll be right back...I have to grab a few things before we head out."

"Jin!" I screeched, shooting him a look begging him not to go. That bastard planned to abandon me in the lion's den.

"Bye, Y/N! Wait here!" He was already halfway out of the door by the time I had a chance to blink.

"Y/N, is it?" Jungkook hummed from behind me as I turned to face him. "What was it? The thing you said to Jin that would make me want to kill you?"

"Oh, I didn't say much of anything." He was standing just inches from me, staring down at me with his dark espresso eyes. I gulped.

This was the first time I was able to get a proper look at him, and he was stunning. Would it be silly to say he looked like a God? No other words would do him justice. His hair, a deep ebony, hung partially in his face, barely exposing a piercing in his brow. Another piercing hugged the corner of his lip. Beneath his thin white dress shirt, I could see the faint markings of tattoos etched into his arm, leading all the way down to his knuckles. I finally caught myself taking way too much time staring at him and averted my gaze.

"Well, that's disappointing," he smirked.

"It was just a stupid joke..."

He ran a finger along his bottom lip and my eyes followed against my will. "You don't think that I'll find it funny?"

Now, that was funny. And it was the distraction I needed from whatever he was doing to me to right now. "You don't strike me as someone who enjoys jokes."

"You must have a bad first impression of me."

Well, that was true. Stunning or not, he was an asshole. He'd turned me away earlier in his office without even hearing me out, even when I was practically begging. I had no doubt in my mind that he recognized that I was a Goddess, and yet he still offered me the idiotic solution of going to the police. As if they got involved in the affairs of Gods.

"Why are you even here?" I hurriedly changed the subject. "I thought you had no intention of helping me with this."

"I changed my mind. I'll be joining you two."

"You're really coming along?" Jin's lashes flickered over his eyes like he couldn't believe what he was hearing. He was peeking in from the doorway. Obviously, he hadn't gone far, just far enough to avoid Jungkook's potential blow up. He didn't even have anything with him that he'd supposedly just gone to grab. Freaking liar.

"I am." Jungkook rolled his eyes at the dramatic response. "I'm not thrilled with Yoongi's behavior. He can play with mortals as he pleases but he knows the rules- Gods are off limits."

I couldn't stop myself from choking out a scornful laugh. So Jungkook had no problem with humans being toyed with by that wicked man...so long as it wasn't Gods. It was ridiculous how little care Gods like him had for humanity, as if they didn't realize they were the reason the mortals stopped putting their faith in us. No, instead, they blamed them. Expected them to endure their torturous whims and even thank them as though it should be considered an honor.

"Is something humorous to you?" Jungkook questioned, his rising temper evident by his tone of voice. 

"No, it's not funny at all," I snapped back without a moment's hesitation. "What right do you have to torment the humans who come to your club? Even if you aren't directly participating, you're still turning a blind eye to it. You're no less of a monster than Yoongi."

He looked extremely taken aback by my sharp words. I got the feeling that no one had ever dared to challenge him like that. "You don't know me at all, so I suggest you bite your tongue."

His face became even colder and somehow sad, if that was even possible, to the point that I almost felt bad for lashing out at him. He stormed out of the room ahead of Jin and I, not sparing us a single glance back. Yep. I'd pissed him off...again. I was becoming an expert at that, and I'd only just met him.

"Did I go too far?" I rubbed the bridge of my nose as I let out an exasperated sigh.

"I think you misunderstand him," Jin nodded, placing a hand on my shoulder. "It's difficult to be judged for what you are, even when you're used to it. You have a pretty title- Goddess of Light. It's not so simple for Jungkook."

"I did assume the worst of him..."

A half-hearted smile fell upon Jin's face. "Many do, but he never corrects them. I think you'll find he will prove your assumptions wrong, though."

I felt a pang of guilt in my chest. It was conflicting with the contempt I still held for him, leaving my mind in a jumbled mess. It was true- my initial view of him was biased, but I just couldn't comprehend why he would let something so terrible happen under his watch. He knew what Yoongi was doing to people and he didn't make any effort to stop it. Why?

"Ugh, this is so annoying," I groaned. "Let's just get this over with."

I was done with this conversation, and I was done thinking about Jungkook. My focus was finding a way to get Eunji better. I knew I'd wrapped myself up in something potentially dangerous with the Gods of Solanaceae, but right now that didn't matter. It was a sacrifice I was willing to make.


The three of us took a car to what appeared to be your typical apartment complex. I don't know why I was expecting something different. I'd somehow imagined Yoongi living in a cave like some ancient evil God from the stories of old. But the reality of life was that monsters lived among us just like everyone else.

Yoongi swung open his door, his expression blank and unbothered. Either he didn't remember me, or he simply did not care, and I was betting on the latter. His face only changed when he caught a glimpse of Jungkook standing behind Jin and I. Yoongi dropped his head into a deep bow and politely greeted the man.

"I wasn't expecting you," Yoongi spoke in a hushed tone, his head still down.

Jungkook pushed past us and made his way into the apartment. The air was thick enough to cut with a knife. I quickly made my way to the couch and took a seat, shifting back and forth, unable to get comfortable. Jungkook's aura had transformed into something terrifying. His lips were pursed into a straight line as his eyes narrowed in on Yoongi.

Jungkook didn't speak again until the door was closed, and we had all taken a seat. "You broke our rule."

Yoongi's eyes widened, at first with what appeared to be confusion, but then he looked over to me in horror as the realization hit him. "I didn't know...I can't always sense their power."

"We had an agreement," Jungkook hissed. "I allow you to have your fun in my place of business and you keep away from any Gods who happen to stroll in."

"I can fix it."

"You will," Jin jumped in. "You will come with us and reverse the magic you used on this girl's friend."

I imagined this would've been much more of an argument if Jin and I had come alone. Or perhaps, Jin would've needed to utilize his abilities in order to 'convince' Yoongi to reverse the curse he'd placed on Eunji. It seemed like Jungkook had some kind of hold over Yoongi. There was a level of respect and even fear there that I couldn't quite put a finger on as to why. The hierarchy, of course, but it seemed like more than that.

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