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As Hoseok had predicted, I was feeling significantly better the next morning, which meant it was back to business for all parties involved. I could tell Jungkook was annoyed with my enthusiasm to return to our lessons with Taehyung. He was stabbing his fork into Jin's poor blueberry pancakes with a rather violent level of aggression. The horrible sound of the metal scraping against the porcelain plate was grating on both mine and Jin's nerves.

"Please, Gods, stop that," Jin fussed. "I will literally feed you by hand if that will make you stop."

"You could just make him stop," I raised my brows.

"He's not worth the energy. I am used to his childish demeanor."

"I am right here, you know?" Jungkook retorted. "I think you've both grown too comfortable with disrespecting me in my own home."

Jin and I both exploded into a fit of laughter, which only further fueled Jungkook's irritability. It wasn't long before he shoved his plate to the side and left us behind to head to Solanaceae on his own. Normally our joking wouldn't get to him, but he was especially on edge today. The difference with today was that this was our last lesson to get things right before we would be putting our abilities to the test. The following night was meant to be the next showdown with Siwoo. We were going to be making another attempt at reading his aura and intentions. Though this time I was forbidden from going at it alone.

Since we'd been abandoned, Jin drove us to Solanaceae after we wrapped up breakfast. Jungkook was there waiting. He was seated at the bar next to a man and woman I'd never seen before. The man to Jungkook's left was tall and tanned with masculine features, dressed in a patchy denim jacket with messily styled hair. The woman on his other side was adorned with a luxurious satin minidress and countless gold accessories. Her dyed platinum hair hung long and pin straight down her back. The two individuals gave off completely different vibes from one another, but they were also similar somehow. Jungkook noticed Jin and I enter the club and beckoned us over to join them.

"Good morning, Namjoon, Bitna," Jin greeted the pair. "I wasn't aware you would be visiting us today."

"Nor was I," Jungkook added with slight displeasure as he stood to join my side. "This is Y/N."

The man named Namjoon waved. "Hi there. Heard a lot about you."

Bitna glanced over to me with sharp, cat-like eyes. She was looking me up and down. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Y/N. I hope we will become close."

"Namjoon needed to discuss some things with Jin and I, if you don't mind keeping his sister company," Jungkook addressed me. "I'm sure it won't take long, and we can get on with our other matters."

I nodded and went to take a seat next to Bitna while the three men disappeared up the stairs towards Jungkook's office. "So, you're a Goddess?"

Bitna let out a small huff. "Of course, I am. The Goddess of Fortune."

Well, that added up. She was practically dripping in jewels, from the clips in her hair down to her fingernails. Everything about her screamed affluence. It was a little intimidating, to be honest. I looked like a peasant in her presence. I found myself subconsciously fiddling with my hair, tugging at the simple sweater and skirt I'd chosen to wear that paled in comparison to her extravagant ensemble. I didn't exactly have a lot of options, to be fair. Only what Eunji had dropped off to me in an overnight bag. Ugh. What am I doing letting her make me feel so small?

"So, how long have you known Jungkook?" she chirped up.

"Oh, not long," I mumbled. "We met through a series of unique circumstances and that have sort of kept us in each other's lives for the time being."

"Interesting. Jungkook and I are childhood friends. We met through my brother Namjoon but the two of us have always stayed close over the years." Her voice was sweet as honey, but there was an underlying sense of distaste there.

I tapped my fingers on the bar top, unsure of how to continue the conversation. "He's never mentioned you." That was probably the wrong choice.

"I don't see why he would've...to you," she smiled. "Jungkook is a private person. I am sure you will grow to learn that about him should he allow you get to know him better as I have."

Okay, she definitely did not like me. I wasn't so blind I would fail to see the glaringly obvious signs in front of me. But what was my best course of action? I could ignore her pointed words, or I could face her head on. What'd I even do to her, anyways? We'd only just met moments ago, and I'd already made her hate me. I knew some Gods had a superiority complex, but if that was the case, hers was intense. I'll just pretend I don't notice it...

"Do you come to Solanaceae often?" I questioned, thinking up any topic I could. It ended up sounding like a bad pick-up line.

"All the time. Why don't I go back in the kitchen and get us something to drink and snack on?"

"That'd be great."

The tense atmosphere was becoming suffocating, so Bitna leaving even for a short while would be more than pleasant. It bothered me how comfortable she was helping herself to the kitchen, like she felt at home here. I don't even know why it bothered me, and that bothered me even more. She was testing my patience in all the worst ways, making me feel impossibly insecure.

My respite from her presence was briefer than I'd hoped it to be. She returned swiftly with two teacups and an assortment of cookies. Not exactly nightclub food, but whatever. I wasn't about to question it. It was something I could shove in my mouth to avoid talking to her more than I had to.

"Thank you," I forced a smile to my face as she set the tea in front of me.

"Don't mention it!" she giggled cheerfully.

I took a sip from the cup and my mouth was filled with the bold, citrusy flavor. I took a deep inhale of the floral aroma. The warmth of the drink was refreshing and soothing. Cookies were a bit dry, but I was chewing on them like my life depended on it to keep myself occupied. The awkward silence was better than the fake chatter from earlier.

After what seemed like a lifetime of waiting, the three men emerged from Jungkook's office and joined us back downstairs. Unfortunately for my curiosity, their faces gave no indication of what it was they had needed to discuss so urgently. I was just thankful they had finally reappeared. Namjoon was the first to rejoin us, peering over my shoulder at the refreshments Bitna had prepared.

"Are you two having a tea party? How cute." Namjoon grabbed the cup I had set to the side and took a huge gulp. "Ugh. That is nasty, what is that?"

"Earl Grey," Bitna responded in a near whisper as her mouth hung open.

"You're sitting at a fully equipped bar, and you made the poor girl drink some gross tea?" Namjoon made a face of disgust. "I thought you were more of a top shelf kind of girl."

"I didn't even know I served tea here," Jungkook tilted his head, taking the cup Namjoon had just drunk from in his hands, and bringing it to his lips.

"Stop!" Bitna screeched.

Jungkook paused and pulled the cup away from his mouth. "Why exactly?"

Bitna winced.

"What the hell did you do?!"

The sound of Jungkook's raised voice rung through the air, but even that was drowned out by the sound of my barstool collapsing beneath me. A pained groan escaped Namjoon's lips as his leg was impaled by a sharp edge of the metal legs. I didn't have time to question how a metal chair just broke out of nowhere, as another one was on its way to fall on top of me. I scrambled to my feet to move out of the way and tripped, bumping right into Namjoon and sending us both to the floor. He grunted at the impact and moved to stand up, only to slam his head into the countertop.

"BITNA, YOU FUCKING BITCH!" He screamed at the top of his lungs, grabbing the back of his head in pain.

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