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Thanks to the nightmares, I woke up groggier and more drained than normal, and Jungkook seemed to notice too, doting on me sweetly as we prepared to leave for the meeting. I wasn't sure what was going to be worse- telling my mother what Siwoo had done to me or telling her how I ended up getting involved in the first place. At the very least, if I worded things carefully, I could avoid revealing mine and Jungkook's relationship. I wasn't something I intended to hide forever...now just wasn't the time to play 'meet the family'. However, my mother was no idiot. If I made even the slightest slip up, she would see right through me.

Thinking it may be best to disclose my plan to Jungkook, I brought it up on the drive over. "If it's okay, I'd like to keep us a secret from my mother for now." I bit my lip, bracing myself for a negative reaction.

"That's alright," Jungkook chuckled in response. "I'm not every mother's cup of tea- I get it. The tattoos, the piercings, the whole owner of a nightclub thing."

"That's not what I meant," I pouted, hoping he didn't think that me being embarrassed of him was the reason I didn't want to expose our relationship. That was the farthest thing from the truth. "My mother, Iseul, she is very ~different~. I don't think introducing you in the same breath we are explaining what happened with Siwoo is the best idea."

He patted my head, keeping his eyes on the road. "I completely understand, Y/N. I know all about complicated family histories. It can wait."

"I like the way you look, for the record," I mumbled, staring out the window.

A brilliant, beaming smile appeared on Jungkook's lips. "You're adorable."

To think I'd judged such a man before truly knowing him. He had a cold exterior and a sternness when handling business matters, but with me he was gentle and kind beyond expectation. He cared deeply about others, both those close to him and complete strangers, regardless of their status. He was everything a God should be. Someone I could look up to. Someone I was growing to love more and more with every passing day.

"What're you grinning about over there?" He questioned, raising an eyebrow.

"I'm just thinking," I giggled, trying to tame my smile.

"About me?"

I thought about giving him a sassy reply but opted for honesty. "Yes, about you," I sighed happily, glancing over to him. "I'm just glad I went to Solanaceae that night."

"Me too," he briefly met my eyes. "Though I am sorry for everything I've involved you in since..."

"I don't regret it," I cut him off. "This is only our beginning."

Jungkook took one hand off the steering wheel and intertwined our fingers. "You're right. We have forever. I'll make sure you have some happier memories to look back on."

Though his face didn't betray him, his eyes displayed a subtle sadness. I knew he blamed himself deeply for everything I went through. No matter how many times I explained that I was okay, it wouldn't be enough for the guilt to leave his mind. Not until everything was said and done and those who'd hurt me had atoned for their sins. This meeting was the opportunity for both of us to move forward from those painful feelings. Whatever the cost, I would not let it fail.

The rest of our group were already at the meeting place when we arrived. It was a huge, dazzling skyscraper in the middle of town, perfectly centered between the west and east ends. In all the years my mother had been a member of the council, I'd never gone to her place of work, so standing in front of this huge building was as foreign for me as it was for everyone else. Of course, you hear of the grandeur of the Divine Council building as a God but seeing it in person was hard to describe. It made you feel tiny and insignificant.

Enraptured [Jungkook x Reader]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang