Chapter 40: The Master

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Kyou's POV

This somehow... feels different.

"Are you dating my daughter with marriage in mind, to live with her forever?"

Facing them, I mean.

They're staring at me, intensely! They were more chill before I became Miss Arjera's boyfriend... Well, it's given. Mom, Dad, and Brother Arjera certainly treasure Miss Arjera.

... I almost jump off my seat when a paper fan hit the table. "Don't smile without my permission." It was Brother Arjera.

"I can't help it. Arjera Family is too cute."

"... C-criminal! Smooth talker is not allowed here!"

"Shaddup, Brother Ein! Also, why are the three of you blushing? I'm the girlfriend here." Ack. Music to my ears.

"Yeah, yeah. I'm the only single here. Don't rub it to my face."

Miss Arjera stuck out her tongue. These siblings... As I thought, they're cute.

"Ahahah! Well, please rest assured. I will treasure her like the way you do." I spoke and held her hand. "With marriage in mind, to live with her forever."


Silence filled the place until a man with an apron spoke.
"Uh... May I now take your order, please?"

He's been standing there for minutes. We sincerely apologized and he took our orders, a lunch good for 5 to 6 people.

When we finally got our servings, I feel heavy as I eat. Not because of the food, but because of Dad Arjera's stare. By the way, I already returned his phone so it must be about my relationship with Miss Arjera again.

"You know, Little Kyou..."


"Your dad must be some kind of fortune teller." He continued to speak as my head was left tilted. "When he approached me, he would always talk about you and my daughter. I even thought that arranged marriage was on his mind."

"... He did?"

"Yes! Also... when he said that I won't forget him, it became true..."

The energy he had, just a while ago, disappeared. It's natural... since they're best friends.

Well, I hope Dad's still alive, just like our mother...

After finishing the meal, I guess, it's about time... I'll have to use Dr. Rin's knowledge so I could control this ability. I just recalled Miss Arjera calling me 'Manipulative Dude' in our first meeting. Ahahahah. Anyways, I should head back to that restaurant.

Oh, before I do, I contacted my police aunt, Janis Zeyern. We planned to meet up here, in Alguna, to talk about the Rinsels.

However, she tagged along...

"So something did happen! No wonder you looked exhausted!"

"I'm fine, Miss Arjera."

"Then what are you hiding from me? Is it connected to the Rinsels?"

"... You're really sharp."

"It's obvious. Why else would you call Ms. Janis?"

"Hm... To talk about our future?" I grinned.

"Y-you're changing the topic!"

Aaa... I'll never get tired of Miss Arjera's adorable blushes.

"Er... When will she arrive?"

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