Chapter Thirty-Four

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Jimin felt nervous; unlike Jungkook, he could not maintain his seated position because he was overwhelmed with many emotions. He could not remember a time in his life when he had been more concerned about anything than he was right now. His Appa was now undergoing surgery, and even though everything seemed to be going well up to this point, he wouldn't be able to relax until the operation was through.

He wished it was something that didn't have to take place, but he knew it was important for his Appa to get well. Even though he was still having a hard time adjusting to the fact that he would be getting two siblings in addition to Mia, he knew how much his Appa had been excited and happy, so he didn't want anything to happen to them while he was undergoing surgery.

"I am going to get something to drink. Do you want anything?"

Jimin looked at his stepfather and shook his head, "no, I am okay. How much longer will he be in there?"

"Just another hour, and he'll be done in no time." Jimin received a reassuring smile from Jungkook in response to his question.

Jungkook saw Jimin biting at his lip, but he did not stop his pacing back and forth. He was aware that it was tough for Jimin; it had been a challenging day for all of them. Despite this, he needed to keep his composure for the sake of their family since he didn't want Jimin to realize what a disaster he really was. He was relieved that Mia was not there and was instead with Hoseok. She was unaware of all the specifics of what was going on, and both he and Jin had given a lot of thought to how much information they wanted to give her regarding the kind of surgery he would be having.

Jin concluded that he did not want her to be aware of an excessive amount of information; rather, it was acceptable for her to be aware that he was doing a little treatment. Jungkook wasn't initially on board with Jin's decision, but as the time for Jin's surgery drew closer, and he watched as Jimin stopped eating and withdrew emotionally, he came to appreciate Jin's decision. He could see their daughter following in Jimin's footsteps because she had grown to be very close to Jin, and he didn't want her to experience that.

Because she did not know everything, he could have a better day. In fact, she continued phoning to check on Jin, and hearing her cheerful voice helped him feel a measure of comfort as he waited for the doctors to provide updates. Because he was concerned about the outcome of his husband's operation, he had asked for status updates to be provided to him every 45 minutes. These updates informed him that the procedure was proceeding normally. It was out of the question for him; there was no way he could lose his husband or their children.

Since he had previously experienced adversity in his life, the newly discovered happiness he had gained was something he wished would be permanent. Seokjin was exactly what he was missing in his life; even though their personalities were opposites, he found it to be one of the things he enjoyed most about his relationship with Seokjin. They struck a balance in which he took things calmly while Seokjin did not, and they recognized that there were situations where a more assertive approach was required.

Their approach to parenting was completely different, but his superior parenting abilities were generally recognized. Seokjin had been trying to pick up as much advice as possible. On the other hand, there was a little bit of relapse for him on the days when the children irritated him. Jungkook was aware of this fact since Jimin and Mia had been quite a challenge to handle recently. Jimin was beginning to experience feelings of growing up, and as a result, he was discovering himself. While doing so, he sometimes unintentionally ignored what the grownups around him had to say. Jin said that he did it on purpose, but Jungkook tried to see beyond that and give him the benefit of the doubt whenever possible.

Mia was also discovering much more about herself and remained extremely close to Jimin during this time. It was almost as if there was no age difference between them since Jimin took her practically wherever he went and instructed her to constantly make her voice heard. Jungkook loved how much she remained humble even though Seokjin tried to spoil her with everything he possibly could.

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