Chapter Sixteen

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Jimin rolled his eyes as he gazed at the messages on his phone; Jin had asked him to come downstairs, which he did not want to do, but he also knew that if he didn't, Jin would come upstairs to him.

He finds a shirt and puts it on before leaving his room, hoping for a short night. He had hoped Jungkook would come inside the home and remain for a while, but it seems he didn't care and departed, which saddened Jimin.

When Jimin entered the kitchen, he saw Jin dressed in his pajamas standing at the kitchen island, which surprised him since he had no idea when Jin had been inside to the point where he had showered and was now prepared for bed.

"Come in and have a seat; you and I have something to discuss." Jin motioned to the chair across from him, patiently waiting for Jimin to sit.

There was nothing for them to speak about; Jimin gazed at Jin, already disliking what he was saying to him. Jin merely wanted to shout at him, he knew. Taking his gaze away from Jin, he takes his seat and begins scrolling through his phone. Jin could talk, but he had nothing to say to him.

A plate was pushed towards him, "I made dinner, which I shouldn't have given your disrespectful attitude earlier."

Looking at the food, Jimin rolled his eyes, "no, thank you."

"Jimin, I'm trying to speak to you instead of shouting at you, and this sort of attitude isn't helpful," Jin said, cracking his knuckles and taking a long breath.

"What attitude?" Jimin asks Jin as he sighs and sits back in his seat. "If you want to talk, talk. I don't have an attitude. What do you expect from me a smile after you humiliated me at school today? Do you believe dinner will make up for what you've done?" Jimin scoffed in surprise at Jin's audacity, then moved his focus to his phone, which he started scrolling through, irritated.

Jin tossed the dish in front of Jimin into the sink, shattering it on contact and spilling food all over the counter.

Jimin's eyes widened, and Jin took his phone from him before he could react or say anything.

"I always tell people being nice to you is a fucking waste. Telling me to talk to you and not yell. Well, you don't fucking listen when I talk, do you? You see this! You are not getting it back until I feel it is necessary," Jin said, waving Jimin's phone in front of him. "And every single assignment you are missing for your classes should be handed in by next Monday. If they aren't, Kim Jimin, I assure you won't be whining about being embarrassed; you spoiled rotten ass brat."

"You can't take my phone from me; what the fuck is wrong with you?" Jimin leaped down from the seat. "Give it back to me." He reaches to take his phone from Jin, but Jin throws it across the room into the wall.

As he saw his phone break, tears welled up in Jimin's eyes. "I hate you, I hate you so fucking much!" he yelled at Jin.

"You are not the first; get in line, you ungrateful ass!" Jin glared at him, unfazed by his remarks. "I can't believe I carried you for nine months; what a waste."

"You're the waste, not me. That is why no one likes you, and you will be left alone. Do you not realize that no one wants to be near you? My father knocked you up and probably regretted it right away. You're probably fucked and thrown about a lot, which is why you're so unhappy!"

"Shut up and stop talking to me like that! You have no idea about the past I had with Taehyung," Jin shouted, grabbing Jimin by the shirt.

"I know he doesn't want you."

"Wouldn't that make both of us?" Jin laughs as he relaxes his grip on Jimin. "Last time I checked, he doesn't want you either. Tell me one person who likes you instead of telling me no one likes me. Jimin, can you name someone who genuinely cares about you? Why don't you phone them up and move in with them? I am at the point where having you here is no longer worth it."

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