Chapter Eight

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As Yoongi massaged Jin's shoulders while they took a bath together in Yoongi's tub, Jin relaxed into his embrace.

"Dinner tonight was nice, you were calm too; I think this is the third time in the last three years that you didn't get mad at anyone, while we were at a restaurant," Yoongi said as he rested his lips against Jin's back and continued massaging down his body.

"There was no reason for me to get upset; the food was well prepared, it didn't arrive cold, and the staff was respectful. Additionally, this proves the benefit of going to the best of the best. I experienced a much better standard of service than I did at the diner you took me to last month."

Yoongi smiled but didn't say anything. He continued what he was doing, wanting Jin to relax since he could sense Jin's tenseness despite the fact they were supposed to be relaxing in the tub. As he continued, his earlier thought resurfaced, so he said, "I never knew Dal stopped being your driver. Why didn't you say anything to me?"

"I did not think it was important for you to know that. It is my driver, not yours." Jin shrugs it off without much concern.

A sigh leaves Yoongi, causing Jin to pull away and turn to face him, "what's your issue now?"

"I don't have an issue, Seokjin-"

"No, you do; your sigh says it all. Now, what is it?"

"Why are you like this with everything? Of course, I know he is your driver and not mine, but would it harm you to tell me that he is no longer your driver and you hired someone new?"

Staring at Yoongi, Jin stood up from the tub, reaching for his towel, wrapping it around his waist as he stepped out of the tub, no longer in the mood to be in there. "It wouldn't harm me, but I don't see how it's something you need to know."

"Similarly to how you don't see why I would want to take our relationship to the next level?" Yoongi questioned, stepping out of the tub behind Jin.

It was Jin's turn to sigh, as he looked at Yoongi, "I have no issue with us taking our relationship to the next level, you want my absolute commitment, I can give you that, but right now, I cannot move in with you-"

"I have told you, I can move in with you; it doesn't have to be you moving in with me."

"And I told you my brother lives with me, the transition from my parents to living with me hasn't been easy on him, and it's just not the right time. Let's not complicate things; we are fine how we are. I come here when you need me to. We go out; we have fun; it works."

"Only one person benefits from it, so it doesn't work. The very idea that your brother is living with you makes no sense, and, even if he is, how would his living there affect me moving in? We've known each other for five years, and I want to commit to something. Since I'm not getting any younger, and neither are you, I want to start a family, Seokjin. I want kids."

Jin took a deep breath; the night had certainly taken a different turn than he had anticipated, "Yoongi, he is with me because he wants to, and now isn't the right time to talk about moving in together. We have known each other for a while now, so I understand your desire for something more permanent. I assume that is what you are saying, and I do think I want that as well; however, I am not sure it fits into my life right now."

"You are thirty-two-"

"I am aware of my age, and that does not determine what I do with my life. Let me be clear in case I am being misunderstood: I like the way we have things. No, I cannot move in with you, and I do not have space for you to live with me. There are greater priorities that require my attention than developing our relationship further. I would like to see us level up, but that day is not now. Therefore, the decision is yours. Stay or leave." Jin was firm with his words as he stared at Yoongi.

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