Chapter Twelve

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Having never met someone like him before, Seokjin was shocked by the audacity of his driver. Upon returning to his house, he was going upstairs to find Jimin, but he heard something in the kitchen, so he went there instead.

"How would you describe the relationship between yourself and the driver?" Jin questioned Jimin as he entered the kitchen and saw him looking through the pantry.

Jimin turned and glared at him, "certainly not the kind you have."

"What is that supposed to mean?"

"The two of us are not fucking; some of us around here actually have a better understanding of what it means to be a virgin rather than a whore."

Jin opened his mouth to respond when Jimin dropped the box of cereal on the floor and walked over to him, "you know, I don't mind you being a whore, I don't mind you not caring about me, but can you not ruin my relationship with the people that actually care about me! How difficult was it for you to have an abortion? Why am I here? You don't want me, and my father doesn't want me, so why exactly did you have me?"

Clenching his fist, Jin took a step back, "for once; I'm going to disregard everything you just said. I won't be dealing with any more of this tonight. Go to your bed after picking up the box of cereal from the floor. Not tonight. I will not do this."

"I am not picking anything up! Don't tell me what to do either!" Jimin yelled towards Jin.

Jin laughed, rolling up his sleeve, "Okay, you are an adult now. Do you want to fight?"

"I'm calling the cops if you touch me."

"Better, why don't I beat your ass and call them for-" Jin stopped mid-way as the doorbell rang. "Who the fuck is that now? Did you call someone else here?"

"That's probably another one of your men."

Glaring at Jimin, Jin pointed towards the cereal box, "pick that up before I get back in here."

Storming off to the door, Jin yanked it open; an annoyed look appeared on his face seeing Jungkook, "why are you still here?"

"All four of my tires are punctured, and I've called the towing company, but they said it will take some time before someone can arrive here. Is it possible for me to come inside until they arrive?"


"Jungkook, it's you; please come inside. Is everything okay?" With a smile on his face, Jimin hastened to the door.

Jin turned and stared at his son, "Jimin, I thought I told you to go to bed."

"Let me take that for you." Jimin offered to take Jungkook's jacket as he closed the door.

Jungkook smiled politely at Jimin, "I think your appa is talking to you, and I don't want you to be in trouble because of me."

Jimin rolled his eyes, "he is always talking, don't mind him."

"I think you should listen to him; he looks angry." Jungkook leaned and whispered to Jimin.

With a sigh, Jimin turned, "fine; I am going to bed."

A smile spread across his face as he walked away. Even though he felt bad about damaging the tires, he had to do what he had to do.

"Did you slash the tires because you were upset with me?" Jungkook turned to Jin asking.

Jin glared at him, "what? Are you nuts?"

"Not that I am aware of," Jungkook responded with a smile.

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