Chapter Thirty

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"Do you want me to join you?"

"No, it's all right; I've got this." Jin reacted to Jungkook with a smile, saying, "I want to speak with him first, and if there's anything we need to discuss after that, we can speak with him together. After I tell him, we can tell Mia."

Jungkook accepted Jin's words with a sympathetic grin, although he was a little concerned about Jimin's reaction to the news, particularly in light of what he had previously heard.

He watched as Jin left their room to go and speak with Jimin, hoping quietly that all ended well and that Jimin would consider the tough time and circumstances his father was facing.


Jin knocked on Jimin's door and waited for him to acknowledge him. The moment he heard Jimin's voice, he walked inside his room.

"Hey, how are you doing? Are you busy?"

When Jimin saw his Appa, he smiled, "No, I just came out of the shower and changed, and I was about to walk downstairs to see if Mia wanted dessert. As a side note, I was planning on having some cereal. Is everything good? How did your visit with the doctor go recently? I'm sorry I didn't get to ask you about it sooner."

Jin continued inside Jimin's room, settling onto a chair near the computer desk, "it's okay, the appointment went well. However, the date of operation has been changed."

"Oh no, how come? Did something happen?" Jimin was anxious upon hearing this since he was aware of Jungkook's efforts to get an early surgery date for his Appa.

Jin inhaled deeply, "Jimin, I am aware that I have not been the best parent to you. I'm sure there were moments, and maybe still are when you wished you had a better parent, someone like Jungkook or someone else who wasn't me. I am aware that I have fallen short in areas where I could have been a better father to you, and I want to apologize-"

"Appa, don't worry, we've previously talked about this. I'm fine with the way things are going right now. My opinion of you has changed, and I no longer consider you a bad parent." Jimin didn't want Jin to remain stuck in the past; he knew his Appa had been doing all he could to change.

"Thank you for saying that." Jin responded with a heavy sigh, "umm, I know you've addressed this before, but I really wanted to know how you feel about Jungkook and me wanting to have a child together."

Jimin's attitude changed completely, and he shook his head, "why would you want another child?"


"No, answer me! Why would you want to have another child? Is this to take my place? Or to give Mia what she wants? Is this the point of all of this? Mia has shown a desire for a sibling, and you and Jungkook are now considering providing her with one. It would be best if you didn't have another kid, and I also don't want a sibling. Is it really your intention to ignore my wishes and offer Mia what she wants instead?" Jimin rose to his feet, increasing his voice as he looked Jin in the eyes with concern.

"Jimin, love, that is not what we are doing," Jin did his best to maintain composure. "Mia has absolutely nothing to do with this. It's just that-"

"Of course, it's related to Mia. She voiced a wish for a sibling and expressed sadness when I informed her that this would not be possible. Thus, she came to you, and you and Jungkook want to present her with one. How about me? What about my wishes? It bothers me when you work against me. How dare you tell me you love me when you've never shown any genuine interest in me! Simply said, you hate me, don't you? That is why you want another kid, isn't it?!"

"That is not true," Jin said, tears flowing down his cheeks as he glanced at Jimin. "None of this is true. You are irreplaceable to me, and Mia made no request. This is something that I want-"

"Exactly, since you want to replace me. I get it. Whatever you do, you, Jungkook, and Mia can have a wonderful fucking life. It's not as if you gave a damn about me in the first place. I appreciate your pretense of doing so during the last several months. Here I suddenly believed I was significant and that you cared. I'm not interested in being here anymore; do whatever you want. I'm moving in with my boyfriend."

Jin's eyes widened, and he stood, "Jimin, stop it! Which guy are you referring to? You are not leaving, and if you do not want me to have a baby, I will not have one, okay?" Jin's eyes welled up with tears, and he hurriedly brushed them away, "I will not have another child. If you desire to be my only child, I will grant your wish. I am aware that I have failed you several times before, and I am determined not to do it again; and if having another kid makes you feel as if I don't care about you, I will refrain.

I'm not sure what I'll ever be able to do to prove to you how much I care about and love you, but if this is what you need of me, then so be it. You have it. I apologize; I should never have considered this."

Jimin reclined against the wall, calmed by Jin's words, "I don't want to be second or last again. I am tired of trying to live, and if you have another child, I know exactly where I will end up, at the bottom, which I do not want. Also, think about it, Appa, you struggle to be a decent parent to me.

You developed an interest in me only as a result of Jungkook. Do you believe it is reasonable for you to contemplate having another child, considering you could not do the proper thing by me? Isn't that selfish and also a burden for Jungkook? He will be forced to do everything, and you are sick.

I believe you should prioritize your health first, and then if you're feeling better, we can work on being a stronger family and doing activities together. I will soon be required to attend college and want help selecting schools. I don't want you to be unable to help me because you had a baby you didn't need."

As he digested Jimin's words, Jin nodded in agreement, "got it. Thank you for being so candid with me about your feelings. It is quite helpful. I'm glad I came to speak with you about it before taking any action, and please know Mia never expressed an interest in having a sibling. I'm not sure what she asked you, but she's never done anything like that to me, so don't be annoyed with her, okay?"

"Okay, Appa, and thank you for considering me. Perhaps we can have a dog; I'm all for it, and Mia would be as well since she likes dogs or perhaps cats. I like cats as well."

"That's a good idea," Jin said with a smile. "I have some work to do. I'm sure you want to make dessert for Mia and eat some cereal, so I'll let you get started. I love you and wish you a restful night before your test tomorrow."

"Thank you, and I love you too, Appa."

Jin leaned against the wall as he departed Jimin's room and took a deep breath, unable to hold back his emotions.

Upon hearing Jimin's door open, he quickly departed down the hallway.


"How was it?" Jungkook inquired upon Jin entering the room. However, after seeing Jin's expression, he realized something was wrong. "How did he take it?"

"I didn't tell him."

"What? Why not?"

"We're not going to be able to have this baby, Jungkook. It wasn't very smart of me to believe that I could do something like this. Let's just put it out of our minds. I will maintain my surgery date, and I'll go to the clinic tomorrow to have this taken care of." Having spoken with his son, Jin explains to Jungkook why he came to this conclusion.

During their conversation, Jungkook stood up and said, "I'm sorry, what are you saying to me, Seokjin? Are you making this decision because Jimin is pressuring you or because it's something you want to do?"

Tears streamed down Jin's face, "i-it's not fair to him-"

"I'm going to talk to Jimin about it. This isn't right at all! As your husband, I will not support you in your decision if you are not doing it because you want to but because Jimin wants you to. I understand how he could be feeling, but he cannot expect you to go through life without having a life. Unfair and unrealistic! No matter how much you disagree, this is where I'm going to draw the line." As Jungkook walked out of the room, he did not allow Jin to answer.

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