Chapter Twenty-Nine

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I need to go clean, but before I do, here you go!


"This weekend, we can go to the courthouse and make it official," Jin says to Jungkook, who is sitting on their bed, as he emerges from the bathroom with a towel wrapped around his waist.

"Did you speak to Jimin?" Jungkook asks, raising his eyes from the laptop in his lap, where he was doing further research on the procedure Jin was about to have.

"I did; he is happy with you and Mia being here and has no objections to our marriage."

Hearing this made Jungkook grin, and he moved up to Jin, wrapped his arms around his waist, and said, "that's excellent, that's very nice. Are you sure that you're okay with us just heading to city hall to do this?"

"I am very sure; I don't want anyone there except the kids, Hoseok and Namjoon."

Jungkook leaned forward, pressing his lips to Jin's, "our kids."

Jin smiled between their kisses, "you are so cheesy."

"Says the guy who can't wait to take on my last name."

Jin's eyes widen as he takes a step back. "Wait, no!" he exclaims. "That is never anything I agree with. I will not be changing my name."

Jungkook frowns, "why not?"

"I just, no, and Jimin, I want to maintain having the same last name as him."

"Then keep your last name and add mine, Kim-Jeon Seokjin."

"I'm not sure," Jin sighs. "I'll think about it. It is not an urgent matter, and we are not obligated to do so. It isn't as if this is the norm around here."

"I couldn't care less about what other people consider the norm; I only know what I prefer. Is it more important to you not to use my name?"

"I don't know; I never thought about it."

"Then start thinking about it; I'm interested in hearing your thoughts," Jungkook answered by locking his gaze on Jin.

"I am sleepy."

"Of course you are. Lately, this is your escape with everything."

Jin laughed as he looked at Jungkook, who he knew was upset, but he thought he was adorable because of the way he was staring at him; Jin giggled. "I am indeed sleepy, and I am not making anything up. Today was a really long day."

"Fine, you can go to bed; I have to finish some things up. I will join you soon."

"Are you not going to be helping me in falling asleep?" Jin inquires, removing the towel from around his waist and allowing it to fall to the floor.

"Why do you do this to me?" grumbled Jungkook.

"Do what?" Jin smiles, staring back at Jungkook.


"I hope my father and your appa agree to have a baby brother or sister. Don't you want one of them as well?" As Jimin was making a snack for the two of them, Mia says with a smile.

Jimin paused what he was doing to look at her and shook his head, "no, I do not, and my appa won't have any more kids. I can be your older brother if you want. Please don't ask them to have any kids, okay?"

Despite being a bit disappointed by Jimin's reply, Mia managed to keep her cool by smiling and nodding her head, "Okay, Jiminie, and thank you for being my older brother."

Jimin returned her smile, but he could see she was sad, which made him sad as well, "you are welcome, and I apologize if I caused you to be sad. I don't want my dad to have any more children. He already has me. Your father has you. I think that's enough."

The Chauffeur | Jinkook ✔️Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz