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It was July 4th. The one day Cassian hated most in his life time because that was the day his father died.

It's been two days since he's messed up with Jeremiah, meaning it's been two days since they've actually talked and it hit Cassian hard. Harder than he thought it would.

When Cassian went to drop off Juniper at their house yesterday because their mom was drunk out of her head as always, Jeremiah didn't even glance at him.

It hurt Cassian because Jeremiah was the only good thing he had in his life besides Juniper. He was the only one Cassian trusted with all the little things. He was the only one to make Cassian feel alive and now without him he was slowly crumbling.

It was now one in the afternoon and Cassian just walked out of his room for the first time that day, his eyes bloodshot, face pale, sweat dripping down his face.

He walked into the kitchen, ignoring his mother who was on the couch drinking herself away again. He poured himself a bowl of cereal, going to get the carton of milk.

"Hey, shithead! Pass me another beer!" Athena shouts.

Cassian ignored her pouring the milk into the cereal. He really didn't have time for her. Not today. Not on a day like this.

"Kid! I said pass me another beer!" Athena shouts louder.

"Get it yourself." Cassian mumbles putting the milk back in the fridge.

"I asked you didn't I? As your mother you listen to me. Get me another beer, now!" Athena says sucking her teeth, carefully getting up from the couch. "And If I have to ask again, you're not gonna like the consequences."

Cassian just stares at her for a couple moments before he turns around grabbing his cereal, when he goes to walk out of the kitchen, but stops when Athena throws a beer bottle in his direction, the beer bottle hits the wall right over his head.

The bottle shatters and shards of glass pricks themselves into Cassian's cheeks making him flinch and drop the cereal. Cassian felt a hot liquid go down his face, he slowly brought his hand up to his cheek and looked at it, his fingers covered in dark blood.

At the sight of the blood, Cassian starts to hyper ventilate. His breathing picks up as he ignores his mothers shouts for him of "I'm sorry and you should've listened." The last thing she said really hurt him to the core. "You killed your father! You're the reason he's dead!"

Cassian let's our a cry as he stumbles through the hall, his bloody hand on his chest as he tries to breath, getting blood all over his shirt. He opens his room door abruptly basically falling in, slamming the door shut behind him.

Blood has always been a trigger for him, well ever since Rylan died. It wasn't just blood in general though, for some reason it was only his blood. His blood triggered him to no end because all he could think about was his hands and clothes that were covered in his fathers blood.

Cassian leaned against the door, his breathing out of control. The sounds of his mothers screams only making it worse. With trembling hands, Cassian pulled out his phone and called the first person he thought of. Jeremiah.

"Hello?" Jeremiah picks up on the second ring.

"I-I-I-I need-need he-lp." And that was all Cassian could say before he passed out from hyperventilating so bad.

"Cassian! Cas? Hello? Can you hear me?!"


𝗙𝗮𝗸𝗲 𝗦𝗺𝗶𝗹𝗲𝘀 // 𝗝𝗲𝗿𝗲𝗺𝗶𝗮𝗵 𝗙𝗶𝘀𝗵𝗲𝗿Where stories live. Discover now