Part 33

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I got to school pretty early, as usual. I tried to copy some of my friends, like Kazuya, Elisha, and Kim, as they had their homework spread out on the table. Only this made me confused on what to start on, and I didn't like it. So I put away my assignments that didn't need urgency, and worked on the ones that needed to be finished, and turned in before the start of class. I got my welding questionnaire done, as that was needed before class started, including the symbols used for welding. I have a laptop, but it was my dad's, and it's from 2010, and it runs really slow, even with the school's best internet connection, it's still garbage. Maybe I'll have Wilson look at it when he has some free time on his hands.

Soon, I was surrounded, not by my usual friends, but by Elias' friends. They picked out their chairs, and dumped their stuff on the table, before they got into this noisy conversation that overlapped and conflicted each other.

I couldn't even understand a word that was spoken, as everyone spoke all at the same time, and it felt like my brain was being scattered just listening to them.

Compared to being at my table, where everyone was given a chance to talk. But not this table. All throughout this chaotic conversation, I saw Elias had leaned on his skinny arms, and was in this daydreamy look, as he stared at me from across the table. Soon, he got up, grabbed his backpack, and walked over to where I was sitting, while he was looking down, and he seemed... shy, as he did so.

Like that day back at that car lot, when he first saw me there.

Out of nowhere, he took my hand, and slowly pulled me from my chair, before I even had a chance to pack up my stuff, and take it with me, and to my surprise, not one of his friends batted an eye as Elias took me away, and my cluttered stuff in my free arm.

Only question now was, where's he taking me? There's no more "secret" places since this school's grown exponentially, or the classrooms are still locked or even occupied in some instances. 

Just before we left the commons area, I saw my own friends, and the only person missing from the group was Elisha.

I heard he got picked to play his guitar for the band they just formed, for the new music club, and they're playing in the fair's concert hall. There's going to be hundreds of people watching that, and I don't know how well Elisha can handle that crowd...

And we met up with Kira, as he somehow found an empty room that wasn't locked, and was totally secluded from anyone nearby, even though I could still hear the commons area, and the band still practicing their music for the parade. Turns out we were in an office, that had a one-way mirror, and we were looking at Elisha, practicing his guitar, and he was sitting there by himself at the back of the music classroom.

Only this was no ordinary classroom, this was actually a recording studio, as it had all kinds of buttons and levers on a table, facing the classroom, and that music teacher can see his students from this one-way mirror. The way we were looking at Elisha.

 The way we were looking at Elisha

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