Part 21

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I woke up the next morning, after having a really weird dream. I don't know if I should be talking about it, but maybe I should just let it off of my chest, or it's really going to bug the heck out of me if I just keep it to myself.

Okay, here goes. First my dream started out as not having any, like any other night, but suddenly, I was sitting in front of my teacher, only it felt like I was in a candlelight dinner, of some kind. I know, I know, it sounds weird, but...

Anyway, I was now older in my timeline, but still looking like I do right now, and she wasn't my teacher, but rather, my girlfriend. She was still in her usual outfit, and I saw the strap slip down her slim arm as she gave me a toast, and it was wine, or I think it was, since it was a dream (thank goodness). She got out of her seat, and I'm sitting there, thinking, Oh, God. Here it comes. She's leaving me... She walks over to where I was sitting, and just before she leans over... 

Here I am now, as I slowly sit back up on my bed. I look over at my desk clock, but realized it's still too dark outside, and I couldn't see the clock anyway. Only the single light from the outside came through my curtained window, and even then, it's still pretty dim. I knew it was still quite a ways away from daylight, while I sat down at the edge of my bed now.

Suddenly, I felt my room get cold, or it has been cold, as I removed my covers, to carefully walk to my desk, to look at the time.

Oh, great! 4:30! Now, I am fully wide awake, and I am unable to go back to sleep anymore. But that sure was a weird dream. Hopefully, I never have to see her any different anymore, just that she's my teacher, nothing more. And she's older. Too old for me anyway... I quickly get back under my covers, after feeling the cold settling to my body, even though I'm in my pajamas.

And I never went back to sleep, as I lay there, slowly, but surely, the daylight began filtering in through my windows. 

Today was another school day, as I got ready for my day...


I got to school, and today, despite the cold, the roads were pretty dry. Even my driveway was relatively safe for me to drive out of, but I had to let my truck warm up. For some, it might be 'climate change,' but I never follow what other people are saying, as the roads were pretty dry, except for the edges, and pretty much the soil around it were still covered in snow.

"Hey, Elliot! Where were you? The principal's expecting you in the office." Trenton says, pulling on my shirt sleeves, as we made our way to the principal's office.

Great! What did I do now? Thoughts began swirling in my head, as I was dragged to the office.

"Here you are. He's waiting inside for you." Trenton gives me a shove inside the office, and closes the door. Now I knew there was a prank being played on me.


Well, not actually a prank, because my grades were not exactly in perfect order myself. Also, I got a talk from my guidance counselor, so that my grades would be up to snuff. If you want to know, I'm already borderline to C-minus, and that's coming from Drafting. That class is pretty hard, but Tristan is pretty good in that class, and I already forgot to do one of my assignments for that class. And it was a big project assignment that was due before the Labor Day weekend.

Talk about slacking off already...

But at least Rae is constantly praised, because he's now at the very top of our class. Ryo is at a distant second, as he came to my table during lunch, after getting his tray. In his tray is a hamburger with cheese, the lettuce, tomato, and pickles neatly stacked to one side in his tray, fries in another compartment of the tray, a piece of Jello, and his Japanese milk he brings from home, that he orders direct from Japan. Even Rae had the same meal, except for the milk; he had a bottle of Coke from the vending machine inside the kitchen, and he sat next to me.

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