12. Kicking and Screaming

ابدأ من البداية

A knock on the door snapped me out of my weird uterus daze as Doctor York walked in. "How are we doing today?" She said as Evelyn and I both replied with a simple "good".

"That's good, alright I'm gonna go ahead and get started so you're not in here long. Evelyn go ahead and lay back." She said as Evelyn pulled her shirt up just below her breasts as she usually did. Her breasts that have gotten slightly bigger, might I add.

"Alright you know the drill." Doctor York said as Evelyn closed her eyes waiting for the gel. "Looks like we're starting to show even more Evelyn, that's always exciting." She said as she spread the gel all over her stomach and Evelyn lightly flinched at the coldness.

She moved the transducer around as she paused, "Give me one second." She said as she pulled the transducer off.

"Is something wrong?" Evelyn asked as worried flashed through her eyes.

"I'm not fully sure just yet." Doctor York said as Evelyn's eyes met my own. Tears threatened to rush down her cheeks as I grabbed her hand.

"I'm sure it's okay." I said trying to reassure her, although I don't know who I was trying to convince more, her.. or me?

"Alright, it seems as though your baby is breech. Which is perfectly normal, so no need to worry. We'll just keep a close eye over the baby to make sure the baby turns on its own like most do." She said, placing the transducer back on Evelyn's stomach and turning the screen back towards us.

"What happens if the baby doesn't turn back?" I ask, as Evelyn squeezes my hand.

"We'll first we'll try some exercises and positions that could help turn the baby back to head first, and if those don't work then that's something we'll discuss when and if we get there." She said as I nodded.

Taking the transducer off Evelyn's stomach after another couple of minutes, she wipes off her stomach, "So other than that, baby is perfectly healthy! Now, are we wanting to know the gender?" She asks as Evelyn answers.


"Okay, we'll I have it right here in this envelope, feel free to open it here or when you leave, either way you are all set to go." Doctor York said as Evelyn stood up and I shook her hand.

"Thank you."

"Anytime, see you in a couple of weeks!"

Evelyn grabbed the envelope before ripping it open, "I can't wait any fucking longer." She said as I chuckled and stood beside her.

Her eyes scanned the paper until they started to fill with tears, "What is it?"

Her watery eyes met mine as she smiled, "We're having a boy." She said as the tears escaped her eyes.

"A- a boy?" I asked, a wave of excitement coming over me.

"Yes!" She said as she hugged me as I lifted her off the ground.

"Holy shit!" I said laughing.

Realizing she was still in my arms I quickly set her down before clearing my throat. "You're getting your protective older brother after all." She said lightly punching my shoulder.

I chuckled at the reference of one the first times we really talked.

I was having a son. Holy shit.


I was finishing putting the dirty dishes in the dishwasher when Evelyn called my name. "Yeah?"

"Come here, hurry!" She said as I set the plate I was rinsing off in the sink, quickly walking into the living room, where Evelyn was sitting on the couch with her legs crossed, in a criss cross applesauce way like she was five, with her shirt pulled up over her stomach.

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