She crossed her arms defensively. "Max is short for Maxine which is a girl's name." She tucked a blue streak behind her ear. "And what's your name, Princess?" She fluttered her eyelashes innocently.

I scowled. "My name's Jovan."

Max snorted and ran a hand through her brown hair. "How common."

I glared at her. "Something's crawling up my arm."

Max raised both her eyebrows and suddenly I realized what I'd just said.

"Oh shit! Something's crawling up my arm!" I staggered to my feet, brushing my left arm off like a maniac. Max rolled her eyes and stood up after me.

"Calm down." She ordered. I did, the weird sensation still on my arm. "It's just a small spider." She told me, plucking something black and tiny off the side of my shirt.

My eyes widened and my heart was beating abnormally fast. "I hate spiders." I muttered feeling like a total idiot.

"I love spiders." Max smiled.

"There she is!" Someone shouted. Max and I looked back, suddenly aware of the group of policeman on horses.

"Run!" Max squealed and grabbed my hand, pulling me with her as we ran through the trees and bushes.

Then realization hit me. Why was she being chased by the police anyways? What had she done?

My thoughts were interrupted when I felt a raindrop hit my forehead.

x Taylor x

"Jason?" I inched my room's door open to see Jason sprawled across my small bed. He smiled when he saw me. It was getting dark and I still couldn't stop thinking about the fight with Jovan eariler. Was he ok? It was killing me. But right now...Jason was what was important.

"Hey," I grinned sheepishly. "There's milk in the fridge. I can prepare you a glass if you'd like."

Jason quickly nodded and then blushed. "Yeah...that would be nice. Thank you, Tay."

It was my turn to blush. "No problem, Jason." I flashed him a smile and slipped back out of the room and to the kitchen.

I pryed the fridge's door open, pulling out the jug of white milk. I assumed Abbie or Jovan must have bought it because I didn't usually have enough money for milk. Not when James was in jail. But James was finally back and tomorrow he could go out in search of a job and everything will go back to normal.

No. Nothing would ever be normal. Not with Jason here. But that was a good thing. Jason means everything to me.

I poured milk into a clear glass and decided to warm it up a little in the microwave. While I waited for the milk, I snooped through the cabinets, wondering what else Abbie and Jovan had bought. My eyes fell upon endless bags of chips and cheetos and even chocolate chip cookies. I grabbed the cookies, tucking them under my arm and pulling the milk glass out of the microwave. I made a self note to thank Abbie and Jovan later. I really owed them a lot.

I skipped back to the room, smiling as I pushed the milk and cookies towards Jason. "Enjoy."

Jason chuckled and plucked a cookie out of it's pouch, shoving it into his mouth. "Yum. Thank you."

I giggled. "No problem. Goodnight, Jason. Sleep tight." I blew him a kiss and headed back towards the door.

"Wait, where are you going?" He asked me.

I turned back around. "To the couch. To sleep."

Jason frowned and placed the milk and cookies on my beat-up brown nightstand. "No, you're not."

I crossed my arms. "Yes, I am."

"You're sleeping here," Jason told me. "With me."

I felt my cheeks flush. "Jason, it's not right."

"It's not right to get a good night's sleep? It's just a bed, Tay." Jason stood up and walked over to me, wrapping his arms around my waist. "It's no big deal."

I blushed deeper. "But-"

Jason cracked a small smile. "C'mon. I'll share the milk and cookies with you." He winked.

I sighed and gave in. He was just so irresistable. And he was right. It was just a bed. There was no big deal.

Jason pulled me onto the bed and I leaned onto his shoulder as we ate up all the milk and cookies. I remembered the last time we'd shared milk and cookies. He was in jail and we were separaed by big metal bars. Now? Now we were here, sitting together and enjoying the beginning of freedom.

Jason chugged the last big of milk and placed the cup back on the nightstand along with the empty pouch of cookies.

I let out a yawn. "It's been a long day."

Jason interwined his fingers with mine. "It has. I'm ready for some rest."

I nodded in agreement and wiggled my fingers out of Jason's. "I'll go turn off the light." I told him and hopped off the bed. I sauntered over to the light switch and flickered off the light. I was suddenly blinded.

"Jason?" I giggled as I made my way back. I heard him chuckle as I felt the bed in front of me. I fell into it, crashing into Jason. My bed might be bigger than James's but it was still really small. Very small. Twin size. James's was slightly smaller.

"Sorry," I apologized to Jason. "If my bed is too small. Maybe I really should go sleep on the couch."

I felt Jason wrap his arms around me and pull me into his chest. "It's ok. I guess we'll just have to sleep all pressed together."

My cheeks went pink but luckily it was masked by the darkness. "Goodnight, Jason." I whispered.

"Goodnight, Tay." He responded. I curled closer to him, so close that I could feel his breath on my neck. I could feel his breathing start to slow as sleep began to consume him.

"Jason?" I blurted suddenly.


"I..." I chewed on my lip. "I..."

He chuckled softly. "I love you too, Tay."

I smiled. "I love you, Jason."

And as I said that, there with Jason, I didn't think of Jovan once. I fell into a deep sleep, enjoying the feeling of Jason's arms around me all night long.


Author's Note: What did yall think about Max? xD Did you realize i tricked yall in the past chapter? hehe lol (; COMMENT VOTE FAN and LIKE! Also, check out "Hidden Secrets" by ListenJustListen. It's amazing!  One of the best Jason McCann stories i've read. Mwah!

The Innocent Love of Jason McCannTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon