Meanwhile the group of humans had come across the camp as well. On their adventures they were fortunate to come across weapons. They had also happened upon other humans as well. However, everyone else was dead now. Between canine beasts, and gigantic dreadlocked aliens, only four remained: a child, a nurse, a soldier, and ex-military. They stared at all the skulls displayed around the camp. The nurse had the child's eyes covered. The next thing their eyes landed on was one of the dread locked aliens. Immediately the group had their weapons ready and pointed at it. The child was able to see around the nurse's fingers. "Wait no!" the child yelled. The group looked at the small girl. "That one is nice. He helped me get away." She said. "We have to help him too." The girl walked over to an unconscious Archer. "Mr. Alien? Can you hear us?" She asked and she poked him. Archer didn't stir really. The little girl went around the pillar. She looked at the adults. "Help." She said and the rest of the group walked over. They all looked at the chains. The ex-military man began to pick the iron locks. When they were all unlocked they quickly unwrapped the chains. Archer just fell over landing on the ground. The little girl shook him as hard as she could. "Mr alien wake up!" A growl began vibrating through his chest. He slowly lifted his head his eyes landing on the little girl. The nurse quickly grabbed her and pulled her away. Archer pulled himself off the ground standing up. The humans formed a sort of human shield around the girl as they stared him down. "We set you free so get us the fuck out of here." the man demanded. Archer growled loudly, snatching the man by his throat, and raising him off the ground. "Mr. alien, wait!" The little girl slipped between the adults to rush to Archer. "He didn't mean to be mean." She said. Archer looked at the girl. "Put the mean man down please?" She asked. Archer slowly lowered him down to his feet before letting him go. The group sighed in relief. Archer looked around the camp. When his autumn eyes landed on his gear he walked over to it. He redressed himself in his body net, the fabric and his armor. Lastly he slipped his mask back on.

There was a growl and Archer looked over to see the three bad bloods all staring him down. The humans gasped. Archer simply stepped around them all. The humans all hid behind his back. The bad blood that Archer guessed was the leader roared at them all. Archer roared back. The bad bloods began circling them, and just as he had done with the canines that surrounded them on the other planet, he matched their step. "Too bad you're not a woman. Breaking you would be fun. Although maybe breaking you would be more fun because you're not female." The leader sneered in their language. Archer growled and then roared again. The leader looked at the other two bad bloods and they stood down. Archer and the leader ran at each other. Both tackled the other at the same time, so they crashed, landing hard together. The leader was the larger and stronger of the two so he landed on top. He pulled his arm back and thrust it forward to land a powerful punch. Archer dodged and instead he hit the ground, leaving an indent in the dirt. Archer kicked him off and slid out from under him. As the leader stood up Archer greeted him by clotheslining him. Archer then began landing one powerful blow after another. He stood to curb stomp the leader, but before the stomp landed the leader had rolled out of the way and was back to his feet. His plasma canon began to glow and whir as it powered up. Archer ran, once again zig zagging to make aiming harder, and keeping away from the blasts as they were fired. He leaped over a large boulder tucking against it. The leader approached where Archer was hiding. He looked down behind the boulder, the blade attached to his wrist gauntlet fully extended, but Archer wasn't there. There was a roar and then he was slammed into the ground from the side as Archer uncloaked. The leader roared in frustration. Turning his head, his mandibles bit deeply into Archer's arm. Archer roared in pain, quickly ripping his arm away and moving back. Archer nocked and loosed an arrow swiftly as the blood dripped from his arm. The explosion sent the leader flying. Before Archer could release another arrow, he jerked when a powerful strike landed on his abdomen. One of the other bad bloods appeared in front of him. The other appeared behind, grabbing Archer's arms and pinning them behind his back. Archer growled slamming his head back and head butting the one restraining him. Using the same force he lifted his legs and kicked the one in front of him. Both getting knocked off balance. Archer was temporarily free only to get his throat snatched by the leader's hand once again. "We will definitely be having a lot of fun with you. Let's see how tough you blooded really are." He growled as he leaned closer. Archer head butted him. There was a sickening crack as his mask met the leader's mandibles. When they separated 3 of 4 of his mandibles were broken. A vibration echoed through Archer's chest to signify he was laughing. The leader roared loud, raising the blade on his wrist and began to slam it down to pierce it through Archer. Flourescent green blood spilled everywhere. Roxy and the little girl both made very high pitched screams.

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