"No, I'm not very well-educated on the topic," Blake tried to deny it, but Percy wouldn't have it.

He grinned, immediately causing Blake to shiver, "Oh, you mean like that one book where the detective bends her over-"

Blake's hand muffled his mouth from saying anything more, refusing to meet his eyes as her face resembled a bucket of red paint, all while somehow refusing Ruby's cute begging to know what was going on.

"I am going to kill you," Yang practically snarled from being held back by Weiss and Ruby.

"Join the line," Blake growled, while Percy had to suppress a smirk. Someone wasn't happy about having their smut exposed.

"What happened to this being a team meeting for the tournament?" Weiss pinched the bridge of her nose in utter annoyance befitting the Schnee heiress.

"Uh... sorry?" Percy offered tentatively, leaning backwards when the irate heiress turned her icy blue orbs onto him.

"Hmph," she huffed, allowing him to continue.

"Anyway, Blake's smut aside," Percy smirked as Blake let out an indignant hiss in the background, "You have to have the ability to think on your feet, make new calls, and what not. I trust in your ability to win the entire thing. Frankly, you're the best team out there, so go show it!"

"Yeah!" Yang pumped her fist in excitement, "Group hug!"

Ruby shrieked as they piled onto each other in a mess of limbs.



"That was awesome!!" Ruby cheered as she walked with the newly christened team RWBY, "We were like, BAM, BOOM, and HIYAA! And we totally destroyed them!"

Yang couldn't resist the smile that twitched over her lips at her little sister's enthusiasm.

"Yeah, we did pretty well," Blake commented in her usual fashion, although her stomach rumbled longingly, and loudly at that.

The rest of team RWBY turned to look at her, and the cat faunus blushed slightly in embarrassment.

"I mean, if you needed sustenance, you could just say so," Weiss shrugged at Blake.

"I mean, if you needed sustenance, you could just say so," Yang mimicked, mocking her and receiving an indignant 'hey!' in turn.

"Come on guys, let's eat!" Ruby cheered, turning to walk towards the stands.

"Hey! Might be hard to eat without this."

They turned around to see a smirking Emerald, waving Ruby's wallet around, along with their team leader in all his glory.

"Percy, Emerald!" Ruby whooped, bouncing on her toes excitedly, before she started checking her pockets frantically.

"No, no, no!" Ruby panicked, as Emerald and Percy shared a laugh.

"You guys did amazing!" Percy grinned with that troublemaker smile, as Emerald gave Ruby back her wallet.

"Aww, thanks Percy!" Yang punched his shoulder playfully, "we couldn't have done it without you."

"We just did though..." Blake pointed out.

"Shush," Weiss put a finger to her lips, "It's the thought that counts."

"I heard your team progressed to the next round too!" Ruby said.

"Y'know, I feel like we never see your team," Yang said, "How'd they do in the fight?"

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