9. Drinks and.. Forks?

Bắt đầu từ đầu

"Let's stop this conversation now, before I hear something I can't unhear." Chris says, giving Evan a look.

"Anyways, what are we playing, cards? a board game?" Greyson asks, taking a sip of his beer.

"We should play a card game, but make it a drinking game." Chris says grinning.

"Oh come on." I say whining.

"It's your turn to DD anyways, Ev." Sophia says shrugging her shoulders.

"I'm gonna be the DD for the next..." I stop to count in my head, "7 months!"

"You've got a lot of DD-ing to make up for anyways." Katherine says.

"Yeah, somehow you've always ended up drinking for like, the past year." Ellie says.

I shrug my shoulders, "Not my fault you guys are idiots."

"What was that?" Sophia snaps.

"Nothing." I grin as she raises a brow. "Moving on, we should play Cards Against Humanity. I feel like since I'm the only one here who can't drink, I get to pick the game."

"I'm down." Jake says, and everybody else agrees.

"Hey Jake, where's Bells?" Chris asks, referring to his girlfriend.

"Late night skate session." He says, leaning back in his seat.

Sophia speaks up, "Who are we talking about?"

"My girlfriend, Annabelle. She's a figure skater."

"Ah.. wait- Annabelle Perkins? The olympic gold medalist?" Sophia says, her eyes wide.

"Yup, that's the one."

"Holy Shit, I went to high school with her!" Katherine says.

"Really? That's cool."

"She was always really nice. I liked her." Katherine says as Ellie comes back into the living room with Cards Against Humanity.

"Alright bitches, let's go!"

"Alright rules are, your card get's picked, you take a shot of vodka." Evan says, walking back into the room with two bottles of alcohol.

"Babe, why do you have tequila then?" Ellie says grabbing the shot glasses from him and setting them on the table.

"If Evelyn wins, since she can't drink, we all have to take a shot of tequila." He says grinning.

"Oh shit, this is gonna be fun." Jake says, leaning his elbows on the table.

"Are you trying to get us fucked up?" Greyson says, slipping on his hoodie.

"Yeah! We don't have a morning practice for once, so I'm taking advantage of that." Evan says as he sits down and starts pouring the alcohol into the glasses, before giving everybody, except me, one.

"Ev, do you want something else to drink?" Ellie asks, as I shake my head no, "Maybe later."

"Alright, let's get started."


It's been about 2 hours, and we've moved on to playing Spoons, which let me tell you, is ten times more fun with drunk people.

"The spoon is mine, my hand touched it first!" Greyson and Evan argued back and forth.

"How about you both shut up, take a shot, and move on to the next round." Chris slurs, trying to point his finger at them.

"Okay, daddd." Greyson slurs, while Evan starts dying laughing.

Drunk Greyson, is a very entertaining person, let me tell you. The attitude is multiplied times 10 and he has even less of a filter.

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