"Isn't she ill?" a whisper began.

"Let her be man. Enjoy her powers while she still can." joked the other.

Kadaski, and Dheeran gave a glare to their chattering classmates causing them to stop talking.

A certain black-haired Eumythymn squinted her eyes as the steady amount of aura she sees surrounding Genesis and Lizbeth starts growing.

"This isn't normal." she realized herself talking outloud, so she quieted down.

"You better win!" yelled Ertune to his gangmate.

"You noticed too?" nudged Dheeran to Virdjana.

In return, he received an icy glare.

"Of course you did." Dheeran answers his own question.

Virdjana sighed. "What exactly?"

"Exactly why are you two yammering when the action is about to start? Phantom, distance yourself from Dee, kay?" Kadaski interrupts with wide eyes.

"Students at the second row, quiet please."

A sudden temperature drop shocked everybody. Genesis had summoned a High-Tier Ice Field without saying anything. Snow also began pouring down within the circle.

"Wait, are we allowed to cast field magic?" complained Ertune while hugging himself.

Half of the S-Class students went outside the gymnasium which includes Virdjana, Ruby, Ertune, and Jeffrey.

"I wasn't sure if Genesis can fight since he was just always tailing that moss-head Merdenia. But damn, that field magic, amazing." commented Laylah, an Elemental to Ruby.

"You shouldn't say that. Lizbeth is also something else." remarked Ruby. "Hey Virdjana, who do you think would win?"

The Eumythymn was not expecting to be addressed, but after a few seconds she replied, "The most vengeful one."

Ruby and Laylah flinches towards the eerie way Virdjana had phrased her statement.

"How do you know? Obviously the Elemental will win." stated Ruby as she places both hands on her waist.

"I just know." the Wind Enchant uttered.

After a few minutes, the professor called everyone back inside.

Dheeran and Kadaski were discussing with smiles on their faces, others were wearing worried expressions.

Virdjana glances at the faces of Lizbeth and Genesis, a serious expression appeared on her face. She knew who won.


Ruby hopped into the circle, stretching her limbs which showcased her flexibility. Her opponent was a Mud Enchant.

"Professor, I'd rather forfeit." whimpered the Mud Enchant.

"Why Miss? That will get you an automatic C in this activity." said Professor Edric.

"We all know that I'm the weakest student here at Class S." The girl added as she starts walking back to the line.

"Are you sure about your decision?" Professor Edric asked.

"She's not sure!" Ruby shouted while pointing a finger to her classmate, "Fight brownie."

Everyone was confused. Most wondered why would Ruby want to give the Mud Enchant a chance to get an A. Some thought that Ruby was acting weird, and a few were quiet and simply wanted to wait for the results.

Ruby smiles at S-Class, feeling proud of the attention she was receiving.

"How could you be so..." the Mud Enchant was not able to finish her sentence out of disbelief, proceeding to kneel inside the circle while crying.

Eumythymn HunterTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang