King Elead was pleased to hear this. He nodded repeatedly to side with his subordinate's view.

"What do you think we should do?" He asked the councilor.

"A suitable person should be appointed to protect the castle."

Excluding Prince Mo, the other two princes began to get the jitters. Who could their father possibly pick? Since the king had not yet chosen a crown prince, this was the best opportunity for them to prove how capable they were. Meanwhile, the king had a potential candidate hidden in his heart. He never revealed it so as to avoid internal strife.

"Mo, you have been away for a long time. Don't you think you are old enough to focus on national affairs?" The king's statement generated a mien of resentment on the two princes. Prince Mo pretended not to understand the king's intention. Never was he interested in the throne. Business and exploration were his preferred interests. He grinned and scratched his head.

"Father, I'm old enough to do so but..."

"Good. I hereby appoint you as the protector of Everdusk." The king briskly interrupted him. It was getting out of hand, so one of the princes had to unleash his resentment. He was dressed in a golden yellow satin. Magpies were embroidered on his sleeves and chest. His long hair was well tended to and complimented by a silvery hairpin. A long fringe drooped over one side of his face.

"Your Majesty, Prince Mo have been away for a long time. How can he know the density of the situation? Protecting Everdusk is a herculean task. What's more, his swordsmanship is mediocre. It will be unwise to give him military power." The king set his eyes slyly on him.

"Really. Do you mean to say that this 'herculean task' should be given to you? Why? Because your swordsmanship is much better." The king chuckled and shook his head. "With such a shallow mentality, how can I entrust you with this vital task? In the face of military strength, strategy comes before violence."

Prince Karick was abashedly quiet. This opportunity had flown past him like a kite. Prince Bergwain persisted to try his luck. An innocent looking prince donned in a body fitting white gown. His black hair was long, a white hair ribbon nicely worn on it. A cheek-level fringe dangled on each part of his face. He was a shrewd fellow who usually had tricks up his sleeves.

"Father is indeed correct. Strategy is the prime factor
that precedes violence. My brother spent a long time away from national affairs which is to say that he lacks military experience. Therefore, I am willing to assist him for the betterment and success of this task." He said with inward resentment but outward honesty.

Prince Mo was trouble free. Though he was aware that his brothers were competing to be the crown prince, he couldn't care less. There was no point in being selfish. He sided with his brother.

"Father, Bergwain is correct. I have no military experience which will tell heavily on my strategy. I'm willing to accept his assistance." The king was compelled to agree. He knew the rivalry was inevitable. He cued by raising his hand and one eunuch in yellow robe who was standing at his side stepped forward. He was carrying a metallic box.

"Henceforward you will be the keeper of the bronze seal. Black iron cavalry will be at your disposal." As soon as the king made that statement, the eunuch proferred the box to the prince who accepted it with widened eyes. Karick balled his hand into a fist. He couldn't take it any more as his exasperation was amplified.

The councilors swapped secret glances, emphasizing their discontentment.

"Thank you father." Mo appreciated, bowing thankfully before the king.

"That's all." King Elead drew the curtain.

"Long live the king!" The courtiers bowed while they chorused. Afterwards, King Elead left the court.

The session was dismissed. Some councilors were chatting heartily while some were just mumbling words with their colleagues. Prince Karick left the court in a rage. Prince Bergwain walked up to greet his brother.

"Mo." He called with a crocodile smile. He knew that he may be nominally an assistant, but in actuality he was the boss because his bringing the military strategy will make Prince Mo a figurehead, and his puppet in addition.

"I've been hoping for your return. When did you return?" He asked. Prince Mo, not minding, returned his smile.

"You're usually well informed. How could you not know I returned the day before yesterday?" The truth was that Bergwain was aware of Prince Mo's return. He only asked to dissimulate his ill intentions.

"Your return was all of a sudden. How could I know?" He said with a lopsided smirk. Prince Mo diverted the conversation to prevent his brother from suspecting him unnecessarily.

"Thanks for offering to assist me today during the session." He appreciated. Still, with his innocent smile. Bergwain raised his hand to turn down the gratitude.

"You don't have thank me. What are brothers for? Everything we do is for the sustainment of the Freydor dynasty." He downplayed his cunning approach. The brothers conversed for some time before parting ways.

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