A sound attack. Still slightly disoriented, Ruby took the opportunity to create distance between us.

The same form, but standing.

I knew that she was going to release another barrage, but before she could even open her mouth, orange fire surrounded her and her members. An outside interference?

"This fight ends here. Bring your friends back to class Ruby Xercedes." said a young yet authoritative tone coming from under a shaded tree.

"Huh? Who are you to command us what to do?" the Sound Enchants responded with hostility.

The fire only grew stronger and each member began to sweat profusely. It seems like whoever was this person knew how to deliver his message.

"What the heck?! Put this out, this instant!" Ruby ordered, more like pleaded.

The guy walked out from the shadows of the tree, his hair swaying to the left and right slightly due to the breeze.

His gaze was fixed on Ruby and his gang, but for the next minute, it shifted towards me and changed into a playful look. He also smirked at me.

"Kadaski Nueva." I unintentionally spoke his name out loud because of surprise.

"That's me." He answered.

"You asshole! Put this out or else!" threatened the gang leader of Trouble Makers.

"Or else what? None of you can do anything against my fire. Just give it up." Kadaski seriously stated.

"Damn, whatever. Fine! Fine!" Ruby replied, albeit unwillingly, I sensed their auras becoming less aggressive.

"Good." He dispelled his magic with a chuckle, but not without enforcing his authority on me too, "And you? Don't you have any plans to ‐ Hey! I'm still talking to you! Where are you going?!"

"Escaping? What do you think?" I responded as I click my tongue out of annoyance.

Kadaski's POV

[One Hour Earlier]

I watched our female classmates walk out of class, with Phantom tailing them obediently from behind. This academy allows all sorts of fights, as long as it does not lead to any deaths. They give us a sense of freedom that would not confine or hinder our potential.

"Do you think Ruby would lead her to 623? It would be a pain if our next mentor finds out that students from the star section skipped classes, wouldn't you agree?" Poked Jeffrey as he tilted his head quizically.

"Why should we care? Maybe the new girl just got recruited. That's not our business." I replied nonchalantly.

"Then the more reason you should care. You're a member of the Enchanted Elites, along with President Zeky. It's your responsibility to prevent her from becoming a gangster." Jeffrey insisted.

"Enchanted Elites only handle missions that could affect the number of people living in a community with a population of 1000 and above. Their catfight can be handled by Arcamy guards." I explained as I return my attention to the comic book I was reading during History class.

Jeffrey started making concerned expressions.

"Why don't you do it yourself?" I remarked in annoyance. "Wait, why are you giving me that blackmailing look?"

"I'll tell Zeky that you broke the curfew last night," Jeffrey remarked with a grin.

I froze, just imagining the wrath of the President, is too much to handle. "Fine."


"Escaping? What do you think?" I responded as I click my tongue out of annoyance.

When the girl began running away, my first thought was to let her be.

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