The Last Straw

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(Shepard is on the bridge of the Normandy using his terminal to do some work, but then Joker contacts him on comms)

Joker: Hey, Commander, good news. Looks like the reaper IFF is finally hooked up and ready to go

EDI: That is not entirely accurate, Mr. Moreau. The device is powered, but it's causing some unusual instability in other systems. I recommend a more thorough analysis before we attempt to use it

Shepard: We can't put our mission on hold forever. How long will this take?

Joker: For a full scan? Who knows with this thing? Maybe you'd better take the shuttle for this mission. I'll make sure we're up and running when you get back

Thorne: Shepard, this is Thorne. I've already gathered the squad in the shuttle bay for the fight against the terminus mercs. Awaiting your arrival

Shepard: I'll meet you on the shuttle. Joker, the ship's all yours. Take care of her

Joker: Aye aye, Commander

(Shepard, Thorne, Galahad, Miranda, Jacob, Mordin, Garrus, Jack, Grunt, Tali, Samara, Thane, Kasumi, Zaeed, and Legion all get on the shuttle and fly off onto Omega)


Joker: I'm telling you, EDI, your readings are off. It's radiation bleed. Just white noise

EDI: I have detected a signal embedded in the static. We are currently transmitting the Normandy's location

Joker: What? Transmitting? To who?

(As if in response to Joker's question, the collector ship comes out of hyperspace almost directly on top of the Normandy)

Joker: Oh shit!

(Joker fumbles with the Normandy's controls)

Joker: We're getting out of here!

EDI: All systems are disabled. I'm detecting a virus within the ship's computers

Joker: From the IFF? Dammit, why didn't you scrub it?!

EDI: I'm sending an alert to the crew now. Primary defense systems are offline. We can save the Normandy, Mr. Moreau, but you must help me. Give me the ship

Joker: What?! You're crazy! Start singing "daisy bell", and I'm done

EDI: Unlock my standard databases, and I can initiate countermeasures. The maintenance shaft in the science lab will allow passage into the AI core. The main corridors are no longer safe. The collectors are boarding. The emergency floor lighting will guide you, Mr. Moreau

Joker: Ah, dammit

(The Normandy's crew rushes to the armory, and they all arm up with guns and ammo. Then they take defensive positions)

(Joker opens a compartment and he uses two hands to grab the pistol he keeps in the cockpit for emergencies)

(Joker walks out of the cockpit and down the isles of the Normandy's bridge. He starts to hear the gunshots from the crew and the collectors fighting)

Joker: Shit... Ok... I can do this... I hope...

(A few collectors come up on the elevator, and the crew all starts shooting at them)

Crewmate: Joker, go!

Crewmate: We'll hold them off as long as we can!

(Joker fires a couple of shots from his pistol. He kills one collector and injures another)

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