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(In the middle of the Osun cluster, Joker flies the Normandy towards a prison ship called purgatory)

(He docks the Normandy, so Shepard, Thorne, Jacob, Miranda, and Galahad step off)

(Garrus, Kasumi, Mordin, Grunt, and Zaeed are on standby just in case they need backup)

(The five enter purgatory and find it guarded by a splinter faction of blue suns mercenaries)

Shepard: I assume you know why we're here?

Guard: Welcome to purgatory, Shepard. Your package is being prepped, and you can claim it shortly. But this is a high security vessel. You'll need to relinquish your weapons before we proceed

Shepard: You know I can't do that

Guard: That wasn't a suggestion. Drop them. Now

(The guards all draw their guns)

Thorne: Go to hell

(Shepard, Thorne, Galahad, Miranda, and Jacob all draw their guns)

(Before anyone can shoot anyone, a turian, who is the leader of the group, Warden Kuril comes out and stops them)

Kuril: Everyone stand down!

(Everyone puts their guns away)

Kuril: Commander Shepard. I'm Warden Kuril, and this is my ship. Your weapons will be returned on the way out. You must realize this is standard procedure

Shepard: It's my standard procedure to keep my guns

Thorne: Joint spectre authority

(Shepard and Thorne stand together as joint spectres, forcing Kuril into submission without having to fire a single shot)

Kuril: Hmph. Let them pass. Our facility is more than enough to handle five people. We're bringing Jack out of cryo. As soon as the funds clear, you can be on your way. If you'll follow me to out-processing for the pickup

Shepard: Lets go

(Shepard, Thorne, Galahad, Miranda, and Jacob all follow Kuril through some of purgatory's hallways)

(They find the galaxy's worst inmates being held in the cells. Some being brutally tortured by the guards)

Kuril: Cellblock 2. As you can see, we keep a tight control over the population. Each prisoner's cell is a self contained modular unit. I've blown a few of them out of the airlocks as an example. Fear will keep most of them in line

Thorne: How many cell blocks are there?

Kuril: The ship is made up of 30 cell blocks identical to this one. We house thousands of criminals, and we can put the whole place on lockdown on a moment's notice. Nothing goes wrong here

Galahad: Have you had any escape attempts?

Kuril: We're in space. They have nowhere to go, and they know it. But still, we exercise extreme caution. These are dangerous individuals

(A couple of inmates start fighting, but a pylon encases them both in energy domes)

Kuril: We have many ways to control the population. I'm going to confirm that the funds from cerberus are cleared. Out-processing is straight down this hallway. Just keep going past the interrogation rooms and the supermax wing. I'll catch up with you later, Shepard

(Kuril leaves the squad to their own devices)

Thorne: Something about this screams "setup"

Shepard: I can tell. Keep your guard up

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