Haestrom's Hellstorm

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(Joker pilots the Normandy in the far rim and lands on a planet called Haestrom. That's where Shepard is taking the squad to recruit Tali)

(Shepard, Thorne, Jacob, Miranda, Kasumi, Zaeed, Garrus, Galahad, Mordin, Grunt, and Jack all step off the shuttle in a shady area. They see a small creature crawl into a bright area and burn up)

EDI: Shepard. Our data indicates that Tali is somewhere in these ruins. There is a considerable amount of geth activity, and an environmental hazard. Solar output has overwhelmed Haestrom's magnetosphere. Exposure to direct sunlight will damage your shields

Shepard: Copy that, EDI. Everyone, move quickly so the sunlight doesn't overload your shields

Galahad: Then we shall have our battle in the shade!

(Everyone moves quickly and reaches a safe area before their shields can give out)

(The squad encounters a locked gate, but Kasumi hacks it's controls and opens it easily)

Thorne: Geth dropship above!

(A geth dropship makes a pass and drops a bunch of geth troopers on the ground)

Garrus: Just like old times

(The geth troopers have high shield strength, but not a lot of durability on their own)

(Kasumi's EMP ability is the geth's number one weakness, making it extremely easy for the rest of the squad to put the geth troopers on the scrap heap)

(Shepard, Thorne, Zaeed, Garrus, and Grunt all take on the geth troopers head on, going in guns blazing, but also trying to avoid direct sunlight as much as possible)

(Kasumi and Galahad use their technological abilities to damage the geth's defenses, and they also support the frontal assault)

(Jacob, Jack, and Miranda support the team with their biotic abilities while Mordin uses his submachine gun)

(While the squad battles the geth, they intercept a transmission from a quarian soldier, presumably one working with Tali)

Kal'Reegar: Break-break-break. OP-1, this is squad leader Kal'Reegar, do you copy? The geth sent a dropship towards OP-2. Tali'Zorah is secure, but we need backup. We're bunkered up here, can you send support?

(Shepard finds that the source of the transmission is a dead quarian soldier's radio. He walks over and picks it up)

Kal'Reegar: OP-1, this is squad leader Kal'Reegar, come in, over!

Shepard: This is Commander Shepard of the Normandy. Your team is dead. Can we provide any assistance?

Kal'Reegar: Commander Shepard? Patch your radio into channel 617 theta. We were on a stealth mission, high risk. We found what we were looking for, but the geth found us. They've got us pinned down. We can't get to our ship. And we can't transmit our data through the solar radiation

Shepard: What's the status of your team?

Kal'Reegar: We're down to about a dozen marines, plus the science team. We've taken heavy casualties, but we made those synthetic bastards pay for it, though. Take things slowly and carefully. Direct sunlight fries your shields all to hell

Shepard: Where are you now?

Kal'Reegar: We're bunkered down at a base camp across the valley. I left Tali'Zorah at a secure shelter, then doubled back to hold the checkpoint. Getting Tali out safely is our top priority. If you can extract her, we cam keep them off of you

Just a Mass Effect 2 fanficOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora