Sins Of The Father

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(While Galahad and Jack are getting back from blowing up an abandoned cerberus facility, Shepard and Thorne are talking to Thane on the Normandy)

Thane: Shepard. When we met on Illium, I mentioned that I was dying. It's called Kepral's syndrome. It's not communicable, but I have less than a year to live. That's why my operations have been ramping up

Shepard: I'm sorry to hear that

Thane: As I face the end of my time here, I find myself dwelling on my mistakes. I had a family once

Thorne: Did something happen to them?

Thane: ... I abandoned them. Not all at once, and nothing dramatic. No sneaking out in the middle of the night. And no final argument or slammed door. I just... did my job. I hunted and killed across the galaxy. "Away on business", my wife would tell people. And I was always away on business. I have a son. His name is Kolyat. I haven't seen him for a very long time

Shepard: How long has it been since you've last seen him?

Thane: Ten years. He showed me some of his schoolwork and asked me if we could dance crazy. We did that when he was a child

Shepard: You've never mentioned this before. Why now?

Thane: When my wife departed from her body, I... attended to that issue. I left Kolyat in the care of his aunts and uncles. I have not seen him or talked to him since. I told myself that it was to spare him the knowledge of my actions. But lately I have thought. And I have reconsidered that. I have used my contacts to trace Kolyat. He has become disconnected. He does what his body wills

Shepard: Where has Kolyat's body willed him?

Thane: To the citadel. I don't know where, exactly. I only know that he travelled there, and he has contacted the criminal element of the station. Kolyat has been hired to kill a man. I would like your help to stop it

Thorne: Why the citadel specifically?

Thane: Years ago, I prepared a package for him. A relic of my ill-spent life. I had volus bankers store it, and arranged for delivery when I died, but he acquired it early. I don't know how. I did wet work on the citadel around the time his mother died. That may be why he went there

Shepard: I'll plot a course for the citadel as soon as possible. We'll stop him

Thane: Thank you both. I'll be meditating until you need me

(Joker docks the Normandy on the citadel, so Shepard, Thorne, and Thane get off with everyone else on standby)

EDI: Shepard, according to c-sec, a drell recently passed through customs. The c-sec office may have more information

Thane: Hmm. You'd think citadel security would be the tightest in the galaxy

Thorne: Sadly, I know c-sec too well to believe that's true

Thane: I see no fewer than 14 fatal flaws that a skilled assassin could exploit. 8 of them existed when I was here 10 years ago

(Shepard and Thorne both get through the security scanners with their spectre clearance)

(Thane has little shields built into his guns to conceal them from the scanners like everyone else on the team. Courtesy of Galahad and Mordin's combined genius)

Thorne: Captain Bailey?

Bailey: Yes?

Shepard: My associate here is trying to locate his son. We think a local criminal may have hired him

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