The Shadow Broker

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(Joker flies the Normandy to the space around Hagalaz, and he detects another ship on the radar)

(Shepard flies a shuttle with Thorne, Garrus, Tali, and Liara on board)

Liara Hagalaz. The ocean boils during the day, then snap-freezes ten minutes after sundown

Garrus: The shadow broker lives on this can?

Liara: His ship follows the sunset. Completely undetectable in the storm, unless you know where to look

Tali: How do we get inside?

Liara: The shuttle bay is locked down. We'll need to land on the ship and hunt for a hatch

Thorne: I think that's manageable

Liara: We can't stay outside for long. There's a constant lightning storm where the hot and cold air collide

Shepard: Then we better move fast

(Everyone jumps out of the shuttle in their breathing gear onto the shadow broker's ship. Then the shuttle auto-pilots itself back to the Normandy)

Liara: It's hard to pinpoint in this lightning, but I'm picking up signals from a communications array near the back of the ship. There's nothing below but maintenance equipment. We'll have to find an entrace near the back shielding

Tali: Maintenance drones!

(A few maintenance drones fly out and start shooting at the squad)

Thorne: Why are maintenance drones shooting at us?

Tali: They must think we're debris from the storm

Liara: Those capacitors above discharge built-up lightning

(Shepard shoots a capacitor, and it shocks the drones, disabling them)

Shepard: Thanks for the tip

Liara: Ok. Looking down was clearly a mistake

(Shepard activates the rod controls, so some shadow broker agents come out and investigate)

(The agents were short lived, only to be sniped by Garrus)

(But as soon as those agents hit the floor, reinforcements arrived)

(Everyone splits up to engage the shadow broker's forces)

(Shepard and Thorne use their assault rifles to combat the agents head on, and shooting the capacitors nearby if the agents get close enough)

(Liara uses her submachine gun and biotic abilities to get some sweet revenge against the shadow broker's agents)

(Tali uses her shotgun to support them, and sends out a combat drone)

(Garrus uses his sniper rifle to dish out some punishment at a distance, providing overwatch for hi teammates)

(The squad is tearing through the shadow broker's agents, so they send out some LOKI mechs, but they're no match for Garrus' disruptor rounds)

(As the squad keeps pushing forward, lightning strikes start hitting the area)

(One lightning strike hits the squad, heavily damaging their shields)

(Another lightning strike zaps a couple of shadow broker agents, but they die from sucky shields)

Liara: There! That hatch leads directly to the communications signals!

(Everyone rushes over to the hatch, but it's locked)

Shepard: Not even a guardrail?

Thorne: I bet the broker's agents love patrolling the hull...

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