• CHAPTER 29 •

641 33 114

Out of Control

Luna's Struggle

3738 words.

Panic rose in his chest when he stared at Killua's content face. His eyes blurred his vision from stress, and his anxiety twirled around his nerves, forcing them to clench. "Oh, fuck..."

They haven't told Killua about Ruts and Heats. Hell. Killua might not even have a normal heat cycle since no one can predict how his body works yet.

His hand traveled slowly towards his chest and gripped the fabric of his shirt tightly where his heart pounded aggressively. He measured his pants, in and out, in and out. He felt every tiny bead of sweat trickle down from his forehead to his chin. "Calm down... Calm down..."

Sadly, his senses sharpened and Killua's smell is now bolder, rushing him into a rampage. The driving sweetness of Killua's scent swiveled around Gon like a tasty fragrant. He wants to get a tasting of this divine and always familiar smell, "Ugh..."

Looking at Killua at this specific moment is a pain, so he has to leave before he loses the last of his sanity. He got out of bed very slowly, counting the seconds as he moved. Upon urging himself not to look at Killua, he stumbled to his closet and rummaged through it. "Ugh..." he shook his head to clear his vision and slipped into his green jeans while staying in his white tank top. Then, he stumbled to the door and picked up his shoes before leaning on the door frame.

He spared Killua a tired look. How things could've easily been done if Killua was a normal werewolf... he bit his lower lip and looked away, "You shouldn't think like that... You mustn't." He mumbled, shutting the door silently after him.

Subsequently, he trotted as if drunk out of the house, stumbling by his own two feet and cursing at his blurred vision. What triggered his rut? He felt exhausted yesterday and thought it was due to overexerting himself with work. Alas, he did know it was more than that and he shouldn't have come back home!

Maybe Killua's sudden presence after staying away for a while affected him more than he expected. During his string of curses, a desirable urge kept tugging him back to the house. His rut is rampaging and wants to claim Killua down and now.

His instincts will take over. Gon never feared his instincts before, but he's frightened of them now. How would Killua react to his rut? Will he accept or reject him?

Will Gon be okay if he was rejected?

His breath clogged in his throat when his eyes started prickling. His wolf instincts will take over in no time and he has to trap himself in the den. Beta...

He hoped Alpin got the sense of emergency he shot his way, and he hoped he was not out of his range so he could get the message. Whimpering, his trotting ceased to a stop.

He hugged his torso, shoulder bumped into a trunk. He heaved a pant and snuck a painful look at his house nearby. Still too close...

He's still way too close to him.

Suddenly, his body's reflexes fought him. He wants to go back home. The tugging urge is getting stronger and his human logic is fading away by the calling voice of lust and possession.

But no, he has to trap himself in the den!

Wait no, Killua's there... in his bed, all sprawled beautifully like a deity...

No, no, no, Killua will hate him if he sees him like that...

But how could your mate hate you for pleasuring them? You're not a human, you're a werewolf. That's a need and every werewolf shares this need.

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