• CHAPTER 18 •

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Repentance •

• Luna's Struggle


7433 words.

He’s into that place again. He meandered the dark woods and blocked his ears. The growls and the screams invaded his skull, lulling him into endless echoing torture. Amongst his moans and tucking his head between his arms, he heard a loud splash as if someone threw a heavy thing inside a lake.

He groaned and stumbled away, further away, from the sounds. He remembers! The treehouse is on the opposite side of where the lake is located. All of his instincts are begging him to go. He has to go to the treehouse…

And he woke up.

He looked at the old peeling wall and blinked. What happened yesterday?

He was warm, so warm. And it was hard to move. A strong arm snaked him into a tight embrace, while his head rested on the other arm. He stared at the bandaged arm that extended under his head.

Slowly, he raised his hand and nibbled with the loose bandages. 

He started to feel the strong figure behind him, pressed tightly into him, and spooning him.

When was the last time Gon cleaned his injury? Killua nuzzled into his bicep again.

Yesterday, he felt so needy and hot. All of his body muttered Gon's name. He felt the need to feel Gon's hand glide over his skin, massaging it, marking it, claiming it.

He always made sure to put a distance between them, but the more he spent time with him, the more his resolve faltered.

And after that punishment, Killua was never the same. He's paranoid even though he was trying not to show it. Images upon images flash before his eyes even when he's awake sometimes. 

As a result, he sticks to Gon. He finds comfort in his embrace although he couldn't understand why.

He feels safe and protected.

But what happened yesterday was a little different. He felt ready to experience a new thing. 

He was always the practical type, where he plans and studies the outcome of his plan — Its pros and cons and what it could bring him from benefits.

What he did now was completely out of mind. He wanted to do it, to complete and add the missing piece just so he could see if he would feel better.

If Gon was his source of safety, maybe doing it would help him more than he previously thought.

Slowly, heat crawled to his cheeks. He did urge Gon to do it. He was the reason, but he didn't know he'd make a foul out of himself!

Gon's the one who's supposed to be inexperienced! But, Killua's the one who lost his mind…

He faintly whimpered and sank a little deeper under the covers. For some reason, the places where his skin and Gon's touched are now prickling and sensitive. 

He was so hot, how could he be that hot in bed?

He was possessive. Killua always claimed his dislike of possessive people, but the way Gon handled him, like a precious gem that no one should own but Gon, was heart quickening. 

His thick and scarred hands trailed all over his body. They didn't leave a place without putting a lingering touch there. His touches took his breath away even before starting. Not to mention that soft touch on his bandaged wrist. Gon rubbed his bandaged wrist when his eyes were so glassy with pain. 

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