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Santana Pov

"W-what are you talking about?" I guess that sobered him up. "Do. I have. A brother." I have all day for this. "I don't know what you're talking about. Do you need anything, if not, you should leave. Your mom will be back soon." What a way to treat your son. Only son.

"Quit acting like you don't know what I'm talking about, dad." I'm fed up with all of these lies. "Why ask such a stupid ass question if you know the answer. If me and your mom had another son, you would've known." Oh great. Now he's getting defensive and yelling.

"Perhaps, it wasn't with mom." He stumbled back as if I had just revealed his deepest secret, which I did.

"Perhaps, it was with your secretary. Priscilla. The one that you would always eye up and down. Sneak off in the middle of the night, but would disguise it with a "work" phone call. I also noticed when me and mom would go to your office to take you lunch, you'd have faint red marks around you face and neck." Being sloppy is what got him outed. He didn't even try to hide the fact that he was cheating. Mom took me to see him in his office as an infant until I was 9.

Not only did he almost trip over the table, he also plopped down in his recliner and started crying. He looks like shit. He had to the balls to cheat and make a baby, yet he wants to cry when the truth comes out.

He's weak. A pathetic excuse of a man. Can't believe this was the man that raised me. Walked with his head held high all his life, and now he wants to cry because he wasn't the man he portrayed to be.

I wonder if he's also crying because mom might leave him. Once I tell her, she's for sure isn't going to want to stick around with this disgusting pig. Who the hell does shit like this?

"Ok. Enough of that snotty-nosed crying. I came down here with a question that could give me insight on what's happening. Do I have a brother?"

I cannot believe the sight that's in front of me right now.

"What do you mean by "What's happening right now?" Are you fucking kidding me. Is that his only intake from everything that I've said so far?

"I got a phone call from my so-called "brother" then he continues to call again, so I hang up. He proceeds to shoot at me in my goddamn club. The bullet would've hit me if I wasn't pushed down." Why can't he just answer the damn question.

"HE TRIED TO KILL YOU?!" So he obviously knows who I'm talking about. Now he wants to pace the floor and mutter things to himself. Who the hell is this man?

"Son, I'm so sorry. I didn't think Kiyan would take his anger towards me, out on you. I tried everything to keep him a secret. He was a mistake. A sin. He's something I can't get rid of." I'm kind of glad that, that's not me on the opposite end of his words.

Hunter Pov

After dozens of interviews and asking the same questions over and over again, she was the last to walk in. I instantly went from tired and annoyed to happy, along with a stupid smile creeping it way onto my face.

I was 30. She was 36. It would typically be the other way around, but with her it didn't matter. She had black hair cut into a bob, brown skin, and smooth brown legs. She was a beauty.

She spoke with a soft voice. One that you would have to strain to hear but when you heard it, you'd never want it to stop. I hired her on the spot. I still made her do an interview, of course. She distracted me throughout the whole interview too. She wore a dark red dress, her chest barely covered.

Though me and your mom were and is married, Priscilla didn't know it at the time. She had just came to the states. She lived in Mexico with her adopted parents. I took advantage of that.

When your mom would come, I'd shut the door and when she left I'd tell Priscilla that she was my sister-in-law. She believed it. She's also met you when you were a baby. Plenty of times actually. When your mom would bring me lunch and you were with her, I'd send Priscilla out of my floor office so she couldn't hear you babbling "Dada".

Your mom never pushed the affection and attention thing on me too much. When she tried, I'd tell her that it was unprofessional to do sensual things while I was at work. It was an excuse. I didn't want Priscilla bursting through the doors.

After months of her working with me, I started sleeping with her. I'd take her out on dates, and I would sneak to her apartment at night to be with her. When your mom went on business trips, I'd take you with me. I'm pretty sure you don't remember when I promised you candy and toys to never say the word "Dad" or anything close in front of Priscilla. When you did say it, I'd tell her that me and my "brother" looked alike and you got the two of us confused sometimes.

Months of sleeping with her turned into years. Kiyan is 23. He's 4 years younger than you. When she first told me that she was pregnant, I told her to get rid of it immediately. I had already been destroying this family, which is why bringing a bastard child into the world would and will only cause damage.

I payed her a good amount of money before I fired her. I came clean that I was a married man with a child, and we couldn't do this any longer. She told me that she was against abortion. She could never harm a innocent baby, or "clump of cells". She was horrified when I told her that you were my son, and not my nephew. She still said that she didn't give a damn, and that I could divorce your mom and help her raise Kiyan as a family.

I cut all ties with her. She would try to show up to my office, but I'd have security escort her out. She had saw me one day at the grocery store and came up to me. She told me that she'll be due any day now, and asked me would I be there for when she gave birth. I straight up told her no. She started breaking down in the parking lot and I left her there.

I went straight to the police station and filed a restraining order against her. I didn't see her until December 5th. Two months after Kiyan was born.

She had found a way to reach out to me and begged me to help raise him. I would only stay 3-4 hours. 3 days a week. After visiting him, I'd come home and smother you in affection. You got everything you wanted. You saw me as the perfect dad. Knowing that I'd done something so horrible would break me if you found out.

I had also slept with her one last time, and if your mother would've came 5 minutes earlier she would've caught us. She found my address and wanted to "talk." She tried to seduce me into being with her. I slept with her, but she didn't get anything that she planned to get. I still left her.

At 18, Kiyan started snooping around. I never gave him my last name. His mother did that. He looked me up and seen a picture of you, me, and your mom. He started doing bad things after finding out that he was a mistake. He started doing drugs, sneaking out, and forming gangs. He did anything he thought would get my attention. He did anything that would give him attention.

He wanted to be in the press and be famous like his big brother. I told him to stay away from you. I caught him trying to reach out to you one day, and I told him a bunch of lies. I told him horrible things that was supposedly said by you. You never said anything because you didn't know about him.

He formed this big hate thing for you. Priscilla would call and ask me to be a father to him and at 19, four years ago, I cut off all ties. He started using me for money to do bad things. I got tired of it and told him he's a grown ass man now, I don't have to be there to financially support him anymore. We haven't spoken since.

Santana Pov

What the hell. I cannot believe this. He's targeting me because of some lie? I don't give a damn about the boy. He's the mistake, not me.

"Does mom know?" This is going to hurt her more than it'll hurt me.

Emerging from behind the door, "I know now." Since when did she get back?

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