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Santana Pov

  "Clean this shit up," I yelled. Dean laid dead on the floor with three shots to the chest and one to the head. That's what the fuck he gets for thinking he could steal from me.

I found out he's been stealing from me when my men interrupted my dinner with Nieyell. I pay all of my men very well, so what made him think he could steal from me without getting caught ? Turns out the bastard got jealous and wanted power. He wanted to one up me. He wanted to take my money, avenge small gangs, and take me out. Did his plan work ? Fuck no! After the fucker confessed what he did and his sick plan, I shot him.

He may be dead and gone, but there's a shit ton of of my money somewhere out there. It's not big money to me, but it's the principle. Don't bite the hand that feeds you. His father must've been a snob and his mother probably didn't raise him right.

After cleaning up, I headed back home. My head was throbbing, but I was almost home. I haven't been taking my medicine, hence why I acted out earlier. I don't like the way it makes me feel. How in the hell could it help me if every time I take it, it drains the life out of me? I'm like a walking zombie. There's a bottle in the cabinet that I'd planned on flushing down the toilet, but the way my head is killing me right now I may as well take it.

Arriving home

Opening the door, I walk straight to my old bathroom to take my meds. Five more minutes and the pain will be nonexistent, hopefully. Going into the bedroom, I find Nieyell wide awake on her computer.

Nieyell Pov

After hearing him pull into the driveway and come in the house, I prepared myself for what was to happen.

I was going to confront him about what type of business he actually ran. I know all the other shit with the press is just a cover up, but I want confirmation from him. I also need to know for the sake of our child and what's to come. His work is clearly dangerous and I don't want to be someone's next victim

I was so caught up in my thoughts that I didn't even hear him walk into the room. "Was everything ok?" I asked genuinely concerned. "Yep. Nothing serious. Do you need anything? Something to eat or drink?" he questioned. "I want to know what you do. Don't even think about lying either because with the very few things I've seen, I know it's dangerous. Keeping me in the dark about this won't help either. You're not always here with me, so if it's bad, I need to know now." I demanded.

Wow. Fucking wow. So I was correct. His "business" is a coverup and he's in some "mafia". He explained everything from selling illegal narcotics to killing people. Does his parents know? Hell! Does my parents know? How in the hell did I end up in the dangerous situation ?

The next morning

It's currently 8:45 a.m. I fixed breakfast and decided to watch a movie. A scary movie while eating breakfast at that. During the movie, this dreadful feeling kept coming over me. The movie "Us" was actually creeping me the fuck out. What's the meaning of the movie? Was the mom actually the shadow ? During the end of the movie, the Mom looked at the son while driving and they both smiled. Being that they both were took, does that mean they are the shadow? I don't fucking know, but it's creeping me out.

It's 11:00 a.m . and Santana is still sleep. Weird. I left a note on the refrigerator letting him know that I was going to my parent's house to spend the day with them. For-real this time. I haven't seen them in a while.

"Oh my goodness honey it's so good to see you!" my mom nearly yelled. "It's great seeing you too mom. Where's dad?" I questioned. "He out and about," mom laughed. It felt nice to be home.

"Nie I have a question," mom nervously said. Oh shit! Did she notice my bump? "Shoot," I said. "Baby I've notice the weight gain, chubby face, and appetite. A-are you pregnant ?" she asked smiling from ear to ear. I sighed. "Yes, mom. You're going to be a Grandma," I told her teary eyed. "Oh my goodness I knew it! The moment I saw you walk in here, I saw the pregnancy glow all over you!" she squealed.

Me and mom are heading to Target to get more baby stuff. She was thrilled when I told her I was having twins. It's 5:30 p.m. and Santana called me a few minutes ago letting me know that he was exhausted, that's why he hasn't called to check up on me.

"Mom we don't even know the gender yet," I exclaimed. This woman done picked up almost everything in the store. From clothes to diapers, toys, and bottles. "Oh shush, I'm so proud of you. I cannot wait to see my little Grandchildren," she said.

We shopped for an hour until Dad called and I told him the exciting news. Me and mom went back to her house to celebrate with Dad. I really missed them and their company. I'm now on my way home after staying til 7:30 p.m. and eating dinner with my parents.

What in the hell. I noticed this vehicle has been following me for five minutes now. It could be a coincidence, but I'm not taking any chances. Dialing Santanas number, he answered the first ring. "Hey, is everything ok?" he asked. "Not really. Someone in a black Jeep is following me. It could be that we're headed the same direction, but I'm not sure," I rushed out.

"Send me your location now," he yelled. I heard shuffling on his end, indicating that's he's probably on his way to me.

I had just pressed send when I felt my car jerk forward. Holy shit! Don't panic Nieyell.

3rd Person Pov

" Don't panic Nieyell," was the last thing Nieyell said before she crashed.

After running out of the road, she lost control of the wheel. Flipping the car twice.

With blood gushing out of her head and going in and out of conscious, she prayed the her baby would be safe.

Bystanders gathered around ran towards the vehicle while the Jeep sped off in the direction they came from.

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