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Nieyell Pov

2 days later

After waking up from a well needed rest, I go into the bathroom to take a steamy shower. Having this stupid ass cast on my arm is annoying. Not only does it itch, it also gets in the way of me and my precious shower. It feels great to be out of that hospital. I hate hospitals.

Moisturizing and doing my hygiene stuff, I head downstairs. Wow. I didn't expect Santana to be in the kitchen cooking. Bacon, eggs, and pancakes laid out on the table. He's been doing everything for me ever since the accident. Well, not so much of an accident. Yesterday, we sat and talked about what happened. I told him whatever I could remember, and he told me he has the people that caused the wreck.

Once we finished eating breakfast, I helped Santana with the dishes. By help, I actually mean I sat and watched. He didn't want me on my feet. I really dislike this pregnancy treatment. Just because I'm pregnant does not mean I'm disabled.

"What do you want to watch?" Sitting in the living room, I suggested we watch a movie. "No Marvel movies this time." He smacked his teeth and handed me the remote. Every time he picks a movie, it has something to do with Marvel. "How about Terrifier?" I'm surprised that, that caught Santanas' eye. I clicked on the movie and pulled the covers up. The movie seems scary as hell.

"Tana what in the hell are we watching?" I'm confused as hell. He just chuckles and hold me tighter. This clown-man literally split this woman down the middle. In another scene, he cut her boobs off and put them against his chest.

After two more movies, I decided to call it quits. Chloe's in town and wanted to hang out. She was devastated when my mom call and told her what happened. She couldn't come because of school, but she's in town now.

Getting dressed, I slipped on a blue dress. Now I need to find something to go with it. Picking out the right shoes is the worst part of dressing, I swear. For five minutes, I looked and couldn't find anything. "What about the white sandals?" Now he wants to help. "Do you think it'll match?" I wasn't sure about white and blue, but now I'm ready to put on anything just so I can be in time. "Yeah. The white matches your feet anyway." I already knew what the smirk was about. Mans' has a foot fetish.

Driving into the parking lot, I spotted a familiar car. I knew it was her because of the fluffy white steering wheel. Once I've parked, and made sure that it was parallel, I got out and hugged Chloe. "You look amazing Mama. Can't believe I'm going to be an Aunt." She's so full of energy, that's why I love her.

"I'm loving the hair Chlo. Since when did you decided to go pink and black?" She really pulled off the pink and black. "Oh nothing. I just needed to switch it up. Wifey loved it by the way."

"How is she? You'll have to bring her by sometime." After conversing in the parking lot, we went inside the mall to pick up where we left off. She seemed really happy and I'm happy for her.

"So, when's you next doctors appointment? I can't wait to find if they're girls or boys. What if they're both!" Chloe's reaction is very much giving Mrs. Dolson and I can't help but laugh at her antics. "It's this Thursday. I'm excited and Santana is so sure that they're twin boys." He actually wanted to bet that they're going to be boys.

"I just can't wait to meet my nieces or nephews!" She ended up squealing and we got a couple of looks. "Mind your business Grandma!" The old lady that was glaring at us gasped and held her head up high while walking away. "Oh my goodness Chloe, what if she would have turned into a Karen and made a scene?"

"With her and her fossil age, her hip would've went out before she would've gotten over here." We burst into laughter while walking towards a Chinese spot. "Chloe you're a fool. Anyways, what do you want to order?" I always get House Lo Mein with spicy mustard, therefore, I already had what I wanted picked out and went ahead to place my order and get a table. "I went with chicken and pork fried rice."

Our food came after ten minutes of waiting and I could not wait any longer. After placing my napkin on my lap, I dug in. Chloe doing the same.

"So I've been thinking." Uh oh, That's not good. "I miss being able to talk to you everyday and being in your presence, therefore, I've thought about moving close by. I can still take college courses online." Don't cry Nieyell. "You would actually do that? With you being in school, I don't want to mess anything up by having you being close to me all the time." I cannot believe this.

Chloe would always tell me how much she's missed me and wish we weren't in different states, and that she'd move closer to be with her best friend. I never thought she would actually do it. "Chloe I want to be there for my niece's or nephew's. I also want to be there for you when you're lonely in that big house, or when you need to go somewhere and have someone close by. Wifey agreed also."

Great. Now I'm a crying mess and getting stares from the people around us. "I'm so thankful for you and everyone else that puts up with me. Even the bald bodyguard who isn't even suppose to be seen, but I can see him as clear as day."

My bodyguard is sitting two tables down wearing all black with black shades while holding a menu up to his face. What am I going to do with this guy.

Heading out of the mall, that Emma or Emily bitch came walking up to me and Chloe. "Well, well, well. Fancy seeing you here. Can you even afford anything in here? Forget that, can you even fit anything in here? You've gotten so big since the last time I've seen you." I scoffed at this annoying bitch in front of me.

"Bold of you to assume you can walk up to me and Nie and verbally assault someone who's beating you in life. I've also noticed the acne that wasn't there when we last saw you is making you as ugly as your skank ass attitude. I'd suggest Cetaphil and unscented soap for that babes." And that's how you clear a bitch Chlo'

She scoffed and looked at me. "Listen Emily, I know that you're obsessed with my husband, but that doesn't mean you have to stalk the pregnant wife too." She looks mortified. "Yeah, he in fact fucks this "fat bitch" into oblivion and never pull out. Hence the belly and why I've gotten so big since you've last saw me."

With that being said, I walked off. Next thing you know, her hand raised to slap me and Chloe landed a left and a right square in her face. "How fucking dare you think you could ever lay a finger on her you bitch!" Chloe yelled. My bodyguard ran up to us, and pulled Chloe off of that broken nose bitch and escorted us out.

Santana Pov

While walking into my office, my phone rang. "Speak."

"Well hello, brother."

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