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Nieyell Pov

After placing my order and retrieving my food, I drive home. These fries are good as fuck. You know you have to eat those first. I still want to know where the hell Santana went and who was blowing up his phone. If it was the other way around, he'd be asking me who it was. Maybe even assume Im cheating. Male logic. I also know that he's into dangerous business. Everything about him screams dangerous really. I just want to actually know what he do and why he does it.

Oh my God I'm never going to hear the end of this. His car is in the driveway which means he's home. Funny how he didn't call to see where I was. Maybe it's because your phone is dead. Damn my self conscious is right. I brought my phone with me, but it's dead. I was going to charge it in the car, but I must've forgot. Oh well.

Pushing the door open, I walked into a mess. This man is obviously crazy from the way he's breathing erratically and hyperventilating right now. He hasn't noticed me and I'm not making any sudden moves. I think he's really mental, or at least has something going on. "Nieyell! Nieyell! Nieyell!" he keeps repeating while whispering. His hands is on his head and he's pacing back and forth. The grip he has on his hair looks like it hurt. I've never seen him like this before. It's honestly terrifying.

"Santana," I whispered. His movement stops and he's now in front of me. "WHERE DID YOU GO!" he yelled. What the fuck! He's never yelled at me before and I'd be dammed. "I went to get some food. Where the hell did you go?" I asked him. "Where I went doesn't matter. You could've called me and told me you were hungry and I would've got you some food while I was out. There's also food here. You had no reason to go out at all. You also could've answered your damn phone," he semi yelled.

"Well excuse the fuck out of me Mr. Go out in the middle of the damn night/early morning without telling me where you're going. If I'm hungry and want to get food without telling you then I can. I'm a grown ass woman, I don't have to run any and everything by you and if there's something we actually need to talk about, it would be concerning you. Coming home with blood on you and lying about it, sneaking off at night thinking I'm asleep, having people follow me, and last but not least you pacing the floor, gripping on your hair, and chanting my name like a maniac," I said while stomping upstairs.

Great Nieyell. He may actually be a maniac and you know the mental doesn't like absurd names. They also don't like to be called what they actually are and like being in denial.

"What did you call me?" he asked. Oh shit not gonna lie he sounds scary. Maybe he's in denial. Step 1 of being a million steps away from wanting and needing help. Fuck! Mama ain't raise no bitch. "I said what I said. If you want something that'll repeat all the damn time, I'd suggest you go get a broken record," I said while climbing into bed and eating my food. Now I'm more pissed off because it got slightly cold and it taste disgusting reheated.

"Nieyell I'd advise you to be more careful with what you say and what you call people. You know, some people can actually snap," he said while staring at me. I just kept eating my cold food and watched Halloween.

This man got in bed and watched me eat. I had got uncomfortable and pulled out my computer and went to Michael Myers on there. I still felt his eyes bore into my face but didn't dare look in his direction. After I finished eating he took my trash and went downstairs came back and watched me until I fell asleep. When I had started to doze off, I felt him pull me into his chest. I wanted to pull away, but his arms were wrapped around me and he wasn't even sleep.

Next Morning

I woke up and took a nice steaming shower, locking the door. His behavior last night didn't scare me, it just made me worry about him. Does his parents know he acts like this because if they do- I was interrupted by banging and the door handle moving from left to right harshly. "Wait a minute!" I said while brushing my teeth. I didn't want to be around him right now and he's making me want to leave him for good for acting clingy.

"Open the damn door," he yelled. Fuck! I'm just gonna tune him out. After finishing my hygiene routine and getting dressed, I opened the door to a furious Santana. I walked passed him and got my phone and keys. "Where are you going," he asked. "To buy baby stuff. Why?" I asked getting frustrated. Maybe it's the hormones. "Can I come with you?" Fuck no. After me not saying anything and looking at him, his face fell. He looked, sad? "Never mind. It's fine if you don't want me to go," he said. Was this a big deal for him or something?

"Fine. Let's go," I said while walking out the door. I didn't wait for him to respond either. Getting downstairs took too damn long. I was hoping I would be fast so I could leave him if he wasn't ready. If I plan something and you want to come, I'd expect you to be ready so I can leave then and there. I will leave you if you're not ready.

Opening the door, I looked behind me and almost jumped. "My god!" I whispered. This man was behind me smiling from ear to ear and following me to my car like a lost puppy. Something must've clicked in him during his episode last night.

We've been in the store for forty-five minutes and I've picked up so much stuff. I don't know my babies gender yet, but I picked out what I thought was cute. I'd ask Santana about some of my questionable items and he'd just agree with whatever I said. He picked up about two outfits because they were adorable to him, but since then he's just been following me and staring at my ass. I would stop a few times and he would run into me.

"I'm hungry, tired, and ready to leave. What about you?" I really just want to go home right now. "I'm ready when you are," he said. Awww. After ringing up the items, we headed to the car. Santana put everything in the trunk while I sat in the passenger seat looking pretty. He wanted me to relax and let him do everything.

I decided that I wanted to go to Olive Garden. Now we're sitting in here. I ordered Chicken Alfredo with a sweet tea and Santana ordered the exact same thing. I was about to say something when two men in black came up to our table.

"Capo, abbiamo un problema," the one on the right said. "Voi idioti non potevate chiamare o mandare messaggi?" Santana replied while getting up. He escorted me out with the men following me. "I'll drive you home, but I won't be staying. As you can see, we have a problem but I'll be back," he said while driving me home. Once we got home, he walked me to the door, kissed me, then left.

• • •

Sorry guys for taking so long to do an update. This chapter is kind of shitty because I was rushing and I do apologize. I will be updating and finishing this book. I'll try to update every 3 days if I'm not busy.

I also have a reading list in case any of you need something to read.


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