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3rd Person Pov

As soon as Santana got the disturbing call, he sped to the hospital. To hear her sound so panicked on the phone didn't sit right with him. Was he the cause of all of this? He had so many questions that needed answers roaming in his head while on the way to the hospital.

Walking into the hospital, he asked the nurse for Nieyells' room number and ran to it once she told him. Although she was asleep, he still talked to her. Telling her how sorry he was. How he failed to protect her and their children . How he felt like he was the cause of her left arm being put in a cast.

After awhile, he called his parents and hers to tell them what happened. Mr. and Mrs. Reese was the first ones down there. It pained them to see their baby girl with light scratches over her body parts that were visible along with a cast on her arm.

Nieyell had been sleeping until afternoon the next day because she was exhausted. The pain medication she took also took part in that. Waking up, she was surprised to see everyone in her room. Even though her body ached and her babies were actively moving, a smile made its way on her face beings that all of her family is here. All of the congratulations she received because her dad and his parents were there to see her baby bump. Mrs. Dolson was a crying mess after finding out she was going to be a Grandma. She was so excited.

She was able to leave the next day because of her minor injuries. Her body was sore, but with pain meds and plenty of sleep it would get better.

They were back home and Santana hasn't left her side ever since. He also hired bodyguards to guard their home because he has a feeling someone is targeting him. Soon as Nieyell went to sleep, he went out to find out what was going on after receiving a message from Taron.

Santana Pov

Going into the club, I notice a lot of shady looking bastards in here. It's like they didn't even try to hide the fact that they're spying on me. If it wasn't for me wanting to find out who ran Nieyell off the road and why, I would've shot all of them dead.

After killing Dean, I suspected that he didn't fully tell the truth but the fuckers dead. It's not like I can get more information out of him now. He really was planning to take me out because he was jealous. Dirty bastard.

From what I'm hearing right now, five of these fuckers in here are some of the people Dean promised to pay if they killed me. These fucktards doesn't even know he's dead. Not only are they sleazy looking and dirty, they're fucking pointless and a waste of space. Who the hell still follow through with such a dumb plan even though they haven't spoken to their "boss" because he's fucking dead.

I feel insulted. Am I that cheap? Did Dean feel like I was so stupid to the point where he would go find "men" who has the mentality of a fucking seven year old to take me out. They don't stand a fucking chance. Walking around with guns in public, and being discreet doesn't seem to exist in their stupid little minds.

After pointing out all of the men, I got some of my best men to drug them and drag them out discreetly. Do to the lights "accidentally" going out, they were able to get them. It wasn't hard to point them out even though they were spread out. Thanks to the stupid ass badge on their jackets, it was a easy go in and get the fuck back out.

After making a speech about the powering going out, I headed towards the basement. It would be a while before they wake up because Angelo had some shit that could put them in a coma. He's a rookie, but he's getting good. He was a bouncer for the club, but I decided to let him in on the fun stuff. After seeing him toss grown men out like they weighed ten pounds, I had to recruit him.

"What the fuck is that?" Poor Angelo. After I filled the tub up with acid, I went to pick out the sharpest knife on the board. "You've never dipped a guy in acid?" Ayris asked him. "No, but I bet this shit is going to be fun." It definitely is. "Ayris don't corrupt the boy. He's just now turning 21 he isn't ready." Honestly it's Ayris that I'm worried about. The guy is batshit crazy and I never said Angelo would be staying to watch this happen.

"I'm already fucked up in the head so being apart of this won't do any damage. Moving on, since it's five of them and seven of us, two people won't be going. If we have to choose who gets voted out, I pick Taron and Lars." What the hell is wrong with this kid? "Kid let the professionals show you a little something first. Next round of bodies is on you though so pay attention." Mike is kind of right. The boy has never done this before. Taron and Lars looked at him like he was stupid but held their hand up and backed away.

"Since when did y'all not like getting blood on your hands?" They've never backed out of this. "Boss I don't know about Lars, but if watching is going to keep me clean then I'll back out. If you want me to help, say the word and I'll be right beside you." Lars nodded his head in agreement. Sometime I wonder about the two. Somehow they're always together, agree with whatever the other one says, and doesn't do something if the other one doesn't. Maybe I'm crazy and overthinking this. Na, that don't even sound right.

After sitting around and talking, mainly them talking and giving Angelo pointers, the men got out whips and started beating the 5 men because they should be waking up soon.

What in the entire fuck! "Goddamit Angelo your going to slash right threw him before we get any answers." This guy must have a thirst for shit like this. "I'll go easy boss." Yea right.

Blood. Blood everywhere. The guys started to stir awake, screaming in pain. After sitting back and watching along with Taron and Lars, they went to go get socks to keep them from yelling.

Before he could stuff a sock in the last man mouth, he yelled out something that caught my attention.

"That's why we ran that black bitch off the road and killed her."

Should I give Angelo's Pov ?
  Angelo Romano
Tattoo'd from head to toe (both arms, neck, torso, and legs)
Nose piercing
Earring in left ear
Wears glasses
Likes all black
Black hair
Blue eyes
Thanks for 400 reads <3

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