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Santana Pov

"Fuck Em, i'm gonna cum," I said. I had Emily on her knees while I was sitting in my office chair. "Fuckkkk." I came right on her face, while she was licking some from around her mouth. It was late and after I finished cleaning my office and kicked Emily out, I headed home.

When I entered the house, it smelled good as hell. The fascinating aroma was coming from the kitchen. There she was in black leggings, a brown graphic t-shirt, and brown bear slippers. I'd be lying if I said she was ugly. This woman was a literal goddess. My goddess. "Wow," I said accidentally out loud. "Smells good right?" she smirked. "I'm about to make my plate, would you like some?" she asked. It was like I was in a trance until I finally got the words out. "Yes, I'm starving, it looks good.

The food was delectable. I even went for seconds. Emily can't even cook like this, hell she doesn't even use seasonings. After we finished eating, she washed the dishes (hard work) while I dried(easy work). "Wow, we make a great team," I blurted out. Gosh I wish I could disappear right now.

———————————————————————————Nieyell Pov

"Thanks, we did pretty well." I told him. "Well I should get going," he said. Bidding each other a good night, I went in the living room to watch the Boondocks. That's literally my favorite show. While watching Granddad get beat up by Stinkmeaner, I laughed so loud I could've sworn I heard Santana tell me to shut the fuck up from upstairs. It took all the strength in me to not go up there and hit him in the face, but I'm not sure if he said it or not. I continued to watch TV until I fell asleep.

———————————————————————————Santana Pov

"Shut the fuck up," I had yelled. I was trying to masturbate and she was being loud as hell. After her laughing died down, I finished and snuck the picture of her I took from off her dresser back in her room. Heading to the bathroom, I got in and showered. After showering, I went downstairs to get something to drink. While I was heading back upstairs, the TV was on and Nieyell was sprung out on the couch.

Turning the TV off, I picked her up and took her upstairs. She was moving around in my arms, and groaning causing a bulge to form in my pants. She looked so pretty in her sleeping state. Getting to the last step, I walked in her room and laid her in her bed. Silently leaving out and closed the door, I went in my room to take another shower making sure it was extra cold.

Once I've showered and got dressed in my all black attire, I left the house. Putting on my gloves and making sure my gun was loaded, I got out of the car and went to my secret job. Walking into the club I owned, there was hella people and naked bitches there. I was headed to my office to find out what's been happening. I haven't been there since i've been entertaining my parents with this engagement.

No one knows that I'm in the mafia and I'd like to keep it that way. Going into my office, I noticed the idiots actually got it repainted this time while I was out. If they didn't do it this time, I would've shot more than 3 of my idiot workers. "Boss," Vincent, my right hand man greeted me. "Vincent hai il bastardo che mi ha rubato?" I asked him. (Vincent you have the bastard who stole from me?) "Lui è nell seminterrato," Vincent replied. (He is in the basement.) "Grazie," I said and walked towards the basement. ( Santana's mom is italian, not associated with the mafia)

The smell of blood and rotting flesh fled all throughout the basement. Because of the music the club played, nothing was able to be heard out there. Walking up to this dirty bled out motherfucker Malone, I could tell he was scared shitless. "Time to get down to business!" I yelled. Vincent and 4 other men of mine was there getting answers out of him until he decided not to speak anymore. Now I have to handle this bullshit.

"Cosa ti ha fatto venire voglia di rubare da me?" I asked. (What made you want to steal from me?) "I needed more money," the fucker had the nerve to say. " WHY ? I gave you a place to stay, money for you and your kids, and kept your side bitches from knowing about your wife with the hush money I provided!" I yelled at him. "I needed more. It wasn't about me working for you anymore. I needed to provide for myself. That's why I stole it. I wanted my own business, not to be working for you. What's done is done," Malone snugly replied. "So look what's going to happen. I'm going to kill you and mail your head to your wife. Your side hoes get the rest of you once I divide your body with a saw. Your wife is going to find out about your affairs and that's that. Now I'm left deciding whether or not I want to send your parents with you. Hmm? Are we clear?" I calmly said. "Fuck y-"


Blood was splattered all on me and his head was leaking. I shot him right between the eyes. "Pulisci questo!" I shouted. (Clean this up) Walking out of the basement, I threw on my black trench coat and walked out. It was 4:57 when I arrived home. I sat in my SUV hoping that Nieyell was asleep. I would never want her or my parents to see me like this. Hopefully Nieyell is asleep because I didn't button my coat. After I left the club I unbuttoned it. It was too tight for my liking.

———————————————————————————Nieyell Pov

I heard noise outside, and decided to see what it was. Peeking out the window, I seen a man walking into the house with a black coat and I could see blood on his shirt. My eyes widened. Blood? What the hell, I ran and got a bat from the closet in the kitchen. "Ahhh! OH MY GOD," I screamed and ran upstairs. I closed my door and locked it.

When I noticed it was Santana, I almost had a heart attack. He looked cold-hearted and scary. We made eye contact when I screamed. He was just standing in the doorway not moving or holding any emotions. That freaked me the hell out. Now i'm in my room hyperventilating. "O-oh my fucking stars! I'm living with a m-murderer. He's going to k-kill me. I know too much." I whispered to myself. I stopped myself when I heard him walking up the stairs. I stood extra still in case he could sense I was moving around or something. Hell I don't what i'm talking about. The only thing I know right now is to swing that damn bat in his face if he comes to my damn door.

FUCK! I need to make a run for it. This nigga is crazy and I'd be damn if I let someone like him kill me. That happened enough back in the day and I'm not going down without a fight. I tried to make myself seem strong but deep down inside I was losing it. I stopped moving and breathing when I heard the shower noise. "Fuck I need to get in my car and get the hell out of here," I thought. Shit i'm not brave so i'll just have to stay. Nope I need to leave. At this point I'm pacing the floors. I didn't even know he was out of the shower until I heard him open his door and knock on mine.

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